Thursday, July 28, 2005

Here, In The "Here and Now" ..........

Hello my lovely daughter, I hope this day was good for you. Mine has been pretty uneventful except for when I started typing this post. This is always one of the greatest parts of my day 'cause it's when I get to talk to you :-) . Web log - It's the next best thing to being there! Yeah right, it's a VERY distant second at best, although I'm sure grateful to have this medium to get all these thoughts out to you. I think maybe eventually I might expand this to include voice bits and someday even pictures(ewww!) but I'll hold off on the expansion efforts until I get a better handle on the written process first. I did notice that you can include hyperlinks on your posts so I'll definitely be doing that from now on because there are tons of interesting places I'd like to suggest that have to do with the things I talk about.

Within the next few months this blog should be taking shape rather nicely. Someday I'd like to dump this whole format and switch to live video chat instead. Yeah, now that would be VERY cool. For now I'll be content with this and grateful to have it. I guess that flows along with the ever important concept of viscerally being in the "here and now". I heard an interesting statement from an elderly gentleman the other day, he said "Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, what are you going to do with TODAY?", niiiiiice, and I thought "hmmmm, whoa, I don't really know for sure, I'd better get busy!". Elder wisdom isn't always priceless, sometimes it can just be really basic but still really worth a lot. You should hold great value and respect toward your elders Sky, they're human beings just like you, and they've been around a lot longer than you have(more on that later).

Well darling, I hope you've planned something productive or at least mentally stimulating for today, you don't want to waste another opportunity at being alive(and kickin). As for me I believe I'm going to go and attempt a low impact workout and try to educate myself on something new today. Maybe I'll even check on some college classes, although it will be as much as a couple of semesters before I'm ready to begin. Then it's lookout youngsters, 'cause there's a smart old injured guy coming through!! Don't ever let anything get in the way of your dreams Sky. You can do it, no matter what it is, it just takes a dream, a vision, some lofty goals and an unrelenting commitment to NEVER give up. Nobody ever said it will be easy, but things that are actually worth it seldom are. I have a tremendous amount of faith in your abilities Sky, you should let that be contagious. Discovery leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to wisdom and wisdom will beset a true sense of inner confidence.

In other words sweetheart, it gets a little easier as you go along, the hardest parts are getting started(that's #1) and finishing what you start(more on that later too). Skills are something you learn, abilities are something you're born with. I know you have the ability because it's rampant throughout your genetic makeup. What you do with the gifts your given is entirely up to you. I have faith in ya sweetie, just don't wait so long and get yourself in an extreme uphill battle like I did. Be good to yourself by putting in the effort and life will reward you for that. I'm going to go for now but I'll post again within the next couple of days. Be well my darling young lady and what you know is right, yes, you guessed it...... because it matters. God Bless and I'll talk to(at?) you soon. Sincerely and Forever, you're E.G.F. (Me)