Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Random (dad)Thoughts #2

My Lifestyle Choices(in brief). Obviously there's a bunch more stuff than this, but there's also the potential that I'll need to post on this blog for quite a long while as well.

What I'm in to - Activism, peaceful social gatherings, good live music, interpersonal relations, computer technology, my personal spiritual quest and eco-conscious or environmental issues.

What I'm not in to - Anything that causes harm to myself or others around me, ALCOHOL(yecch!!), tobacco(ignorant!!), any hard street drug, crime, dishonesty and hatred. I believe ALL these things, through indepth personal experience/observation, to be absolutely STUPID, extremely HARMFUL and totally UNNECESSARY and thus, to me, are all considered complete NO GO ZONES. To each his own of course, but I don't believe these things could be good for ANYONE and show a serious deficit in someone's better judgment and a discerning lack of what is generally referred to as good old common sense. If it doesn't help you, then.....???Duh???

What I feel is really not as important as people make it - Appearances, tattoos, piercings(although I certainly don't want any metal hanging off of my face), hairlength(unless there's a safety issue this is entirely arbitrary,and I mean ENTIRELY), clothing choices, personal style ect., and attempting to look "cool" through material objects or other stunts to try to fit in... A well used mind trumps them all(NO DOUBT). Don't ever be scared to just be yourself, be honest at all costs and always keep it conscious to do right action, it matters, we're ALL connected within the web of life. To deny that is to behave as a fool. People should also try to exercise what could be referred to as "Right Speech" which basically just means being conscious of whether your words are helpful or positive in nature or if they will just cause harm or hurt. Minding "right speech" practice simply states that if your words are harmful or negative toned that you don't say them. The power of ones tongue is far too often grossly underestimated and the words that you speak can do incredible and sometimes irreversible harm thus it is of optimum importance to learn to know when it is better not to speak. Indeed many millions have died on this planet just because someone didn't know when to keep their mouths shut. True Fact.

Looking in to your own heart you can work on why you even think negatively in the first place. Everybody says or thinks negative things sometimes Sky, it's being consciously aware of this and taking the initiative to work on improvement that will set you apart from others and root you on more solid ground.

"Overall Knowledge" that I have acquired throughout my life [exhibit A] - In the darkest scariest moments of my life I have gleamed some particularly strong insights that I would deem of utmost importance in obtaining and enjoying a life most free from unnecessary fear and suffering. The first and most prominent one would have to do with brains, the ones in your head. Yes it seems as though we all know we have them but few truly realize the intense value of the human brain. Honestly, if you take all the experiences, all the sensations, our opinions of everything we sense(in fact all sensory capabilities), everything we want, feel, smell, see, hear, enjoy, think of and dream about....Absolutely everything we experience, want, do ,or accomplish in our lives.....It's all initiated, regulated, managed and stored for later recall by the glorious, mysterious BRAIN.

When you think about it in those terms it makes that good 'ole brain of yours look pretty darn important. Thus, you would think, any even remotely sensible human being would, hence, treat their brain with the utmost care and attention while planning, constructing and living their individual lives. Yeah right, you would think.......UNFORTUNATELY, you needn't do more than step outside to any public area and pay even the slightest bit of attention for a few minutes, at most, and you will notice that obviously a great deal of the population either 1.) has not assessed this information yet or 2.) just doesn't seem to understand that they even ought to care. Just mmaaayyyybe that's a big part of why SO many people are out there doing SOOOO much RIDICULOUSLY STUPID SH*T. IT TOTALLY BOGGLES MY MIND (use your head sweetie).

By the way- I'm no Latin professor, but, to the best of my assimilation, Desiderium Paternis is Latin for....A Fathers Longing(For His Child)...Neat huh? Here's another one for you...Audentes Fortuna Juvat..Or..Fortune Favors the Bold . Indeed it does..And Change Favors the Prepared Mind too, although I don't have the Latin for that :-) more you can ASPIRE to, it's so cool it's the official motto of the World Olympic Games, it goes..Citius, Altius, Fortius..It means Swifter- Higher-Stronger, not THAN anything, just Swifter...Higher...Stronger , yeah... Way cool. :-)

Random facts that could probably only be of interest to you(and yours)- You are at this very second..13 years old..or that's 164 months,713weeks,4994days,119856hours,7191384minutes or 431483088 seconds that you have been on this earth(outside of the womb that is). You're birthday in Roman numerals reads XI XVI MCMXCI. You're father has a tattoo on his left hip, it's a bluebird with a flowery wreath below it and a heart in the middle of it all. The heart has a banner that runs across it and that banner says..... Skylar. It was put there shortly after you were born so I would see it every day for the rest of my life. Now I'll always carry you with me, forever, no matter what. :-)

Well my dear, I guess that's about it for this one.... to mine heart you are sublime ;-) and hopeful thoughts of you fill my head on a daily basis. I pray that you will be well and dream of the day that contact with you is finally achieved. My hearts in a serious daughter deficit and it's hurting me more than words can express . God Bless You Skylar L'nea ...... Your E.G.F.