Saturday, July 09, 2005

California Postponed, Hello Ill-Annoy...boy oooh boy :-(

Hi Skylar,I made it back to Illinois and while it took a big toll on my body(read:spinal pain) I was surprised that it wasn't as extreme as I worried it might be. I guess that's just another example of how useless it is to worry. Worrying's a ridiculous waste of time...but..I think it takes knowledge and confidence to take its place and effectively put it out of commission. Put that to the test in your own life and see what you think. Actually,I'll bet if you put a lot of the things I tell you in this weblog to the test in your own life that you just might come to the personal conclusion that your father's actually a pretty sharp guy in a lot of instances. That should make you happy because you have my genes in you and intelligence is a genetic trait that is totally passed on by your parents. So be happy and confident from day to day and don't ever be afraid to challenge yourself Sky.

When you challenge yourself physically and mentally you begin to discover and define both your natural strengths and weaknesses and that in turn helps you to define who you are and you'll naturally get to know yourself better. You see,life is definitely worth living,you just have to make sure you truly live it(carpe diem, if you will). That makes it not necessarily easy a lot of the time but when you consistently challenge yourself and honestly do your best in all your endeavors it tends to make it totally worth the price you pay. Plus in the end your life seems a whole lot more fulfilling than if you get lazy(bad,very bad) or complacent and just sort of let life happen to you. You can bank on that one sweetheart,that's for sure. Just trying to gleam some honest useful information for you whenever I can, no kudos necessary, it's truly just a labor of love ;-) . SMILE, it makes you feel better and improves the day of all those around you.

I have great confidence in you Sky and I only(totally) wish that I could be there to witness the realization and development of that sort of personal confidence in yourself. There goes those colossal dreams and wishes again, heart killers I say, judging from the way they make me feel. I only pray that these dreams, of making contact with you, can actually come true and I mean SOON. I Love You Very Much sweetheart and I still hold out my hopes that you'll find this weblog any day now. God bless your every breathe baby. That's all for now but I'll definitely post again soon. Take care of yourself(and your loved ones) and always be conscious of doing the right(you'll know,just be honest with yourself) thing , no matter how hard it may seem at the time. Trust me when I tell you, you'll thank yourself later. I miss you horribly and with all my heart. Love ... your deeply honored Father a.k.a. ME