Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Life's little version of "ebb and flow"

Things are going a bit smoother now and I've acquired a ticket back to good 'ole Ill-annoy. I leave on the 5th of July and I couldn't be less excited. In fact, I'm really quite excited about the prospect of moving on to the next stage of my life(my personal quest back to "normalcy") although the path I'm going to be taking totally leaves a lot to be desired. There's a rough road up ahead for me but beyond it is the only place where things can truly get better and finally begin to stay that way. Until I get there I'll just have to find some way to keep it on the sunny side and do my best to help facilitate some longterm change for the positive. I Love You Very Much sweetheart and will be posting here again within the next few days. Please take care and remember to treat people right and always be conscious of the choices that you make.