Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Trying To Get Home

Hey, If anyone reading this happens to be in a situation where you've been unjustly seperated from your kids please feel free to post and share your experiences with others that have been through these type of challenges and that way my daughter can get a better idea of what it's like on this side of the fence.(End) Hi Skylar, I love you very much Sky and I hope you find this soon. I'm still in good old "Ill-Annoy" trying to get myself home. I think I've gotten the ticket squared away but I'm still working on the money for the trip. I miss you soooo bad sweetie, I wish I could just call you up and say hi and see how your day is going.

I wish a lot of things, mostly I just wish you were here with me and we could go get some ice-cream or something and just hangout a bit and talk. I guess I'll dream that untill it's true. If you find this (PLEASE FIND THIS !!!!!) I can be contacted at the gmail site and my webname there is jcasinova so just put in that(jcasinova) and then the @ sign and then pray every day that I'll hear from you soon,GOD, if only one of my prayers is ever answered For The Rest Of My Life, please let it be this one. The pain in my heart overwhelms me. May peace and love surround you my darling wonderful daughter,I miss you with all my heart. I'll post again soon....