Saturday, May 28, 2005

This Blog Is The #1 Hit......On Google!!!

I have some Great news in that this blog has just been listed on as the first link when searched by my name(Jaime Casinova) or Skylar Wheatley. This is such incredible news that I cried in the library today when I found out. Now the odds of you finding this are instantly multiplied by a HUGE factor. WooHoooo!! This is some awesome news!!! It was put there by a very gifted man who has linked his blog to this one. I fully recommend his blog (kogsblog) for your reading (and learning) pleasure. Things are beginning to get a whole lot better. I Love You very much Skylar and I hope you find this soon. I'll try to start posting more frequently from here on. Take care of yourself and be sure you pay attention to the choices that you make and be conscious of doing the right thing(it so matters). Love You...... :-)