Saturday, June 25, 2005

Eureka! I've made it to...Eureka!

Hi Skylar, I've managed to make it to California and boy am I ever glad to be here. The physical toll the trip had on me was considerably more harsh than I expected it would be. When I was in Oakland I couldn't get out of my chair and it really started to get me worried but I made it here anyway. When I got here it was late night and it was difficult to find a motel. I had to get a cab to help me because I couldn't carry my stuff and by the time I settled into a motel I had already spent half of my money. I knew at that point that I'd either have to find a place for my personal belongings or I'd have to lose it all and just carry a small basic pack in order to get around.

I was pretty nervous about this and then I remembered that a very good friend of mine that was out of state but had a storage unit here had left the key with another friend that was in the area so I made a couple of calls and before long I was in contact with yet another friend(friends are an awesome gift from GOD,no doubt!) that agreed to let me store a couple of bags temporarily and he even offered to let me recuperate at his apartment. This was an extremely significant gesture on his part as at the time I was stranded with two big bags of luggage that I couldn't carry around,I was almost completely broke and my physical condition was badly deteriorated.

My friend got the general rundown of what my situation was and what my plans were. He also let me know ,which I already had assumed, that while he wished he could set me up with a longer term place to stay his situation just would not allow for it and unfortunately within a short time I would have to move on. I had totally expected that part although the prospect of going out into the great unknown in my condition was not a very confidence inspiring thought. I arrived here on Monday evening and it's now the following Saturday and I haven't even had the opportunity to speak with my doctor yet.I will be able to get somewhere with that by this Monday at least then, as much as it pains me to even think this, I'm afraid I may have to return to Illinois until I get a more secure situation to come out here permanently.

I'm afraid that as much as I want to move back here It's just not really possible under the conditions I'm stuck in. My heart breaks again. Patience is always a huge commodity but right now HOPE is absolutely golden and I wish I could muster up some more of it 'cause it's all I have to run on right now and my meter is uncomfortably close to E. I pray that I make it out of this stage of my life and that I'll have the good fortune to live on solid ground again. These are indeed the most trying and harrowing times of my life.

I want you to know that through all of this and anything else life can throw my way you can know without doubt that I will always carry you in my heart..And...that may just be the thing that carries ME through these impossible times. Things will get better,you just have to keep the faith. I love and miss you dearly Skylar and I hope to post here again soon. God Bless and take good care of yourself. Please always try to be conscious of doing the right thing and treat other people the way you would like them to treat you,with dignity and respectfulness. I hope you'll find this soon and if you do say a little prayer for your father 'cause right now I can definitely use it. Love...Me