Saturday, July 02, 2005

Random (dad)Thoughts #1

MUSIC- music is the sounds of our soul and I'm a firm believer in the healing power of a good tune. I believe that music is addictive and that it works almost like a drug, except without all the serious health damage, and as far as I'm concerned you have my official blessing, and encouragement, to get as full blown addicted to music as you possibly long as you can keep your head on straight. You should also try and keep an open mind when it comes to the various types or genres of music you choose to listen to. There are a vast world of musical choices out there waiting to be explored and appreciated for their individual qualities. You may be very surprised at how diverse your musical tastes can become once you learn to truly open yourself up to the millions of heady music possibilities that are out there just waiting for your discovery .

The main key is to keep living your life as best you can while just enjoying music as a sort of supplement(although perhaps a MAJOR one) to your life as opposed to allowing such outside sources to over-influence or sidetrack your life goals. In fact, I'm one to believe that as long as you've got your sh#t together and you're not causing harm or serious danger to yourself or others that a person should be able to make their own choices in life in general. MIND YOU MY DEAR......we ALL HAVE TO LIVE WITH our decisions in life so, please, do be mindful of the choices that you make. Some of them may not be undo-able and that also includes the words that you speak(more on that last part later). I Love You ...... and that one's not just a random thought. Be well "MY-SKY" and I'll post again soon. Here's a quote for you to figure out...Je t'aime plus que des mots peuvent exprimer ma belle fille....and I mean that too!!!