Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happy Birthday U.S.A.!!! It's The 4th of July!!!!

Hi Sky,there's really nothing very exciting to post today. All in all the day has been pretty uneventful. I watched a little of the Macy's fireworks on television and turned in early for the evening. I leave tomorrow morning for good 'ole ill-annoy and for some reason my itinerary is three days long this time.Man that's really going to hurt me. My doctor gave me some strong drugs called valium but I absolutely hate that kind of stuff(and harsh pharmaceuticals in general) so I'll have to wait until I'm in severe pain before I contemplate taking one of those. For me,natural holistic medicine is the ONLY way to go and it's definitely the only type of treatment I trust.

Maybe soon the world will wake up and educate itself better about healthy and effective alternatives to conventional big pharmaceutical medicine. That's too long for me to wait though,I need some honest relief right now and not all this harmful stuff the pharmy docs are so eager to push my way,sorry doctors no sale here. I just want to feel better and be able to tackle the huge obstacles I need to conquer in my life and major side effects are NOT a part of that equation,mainly because they don't have to be. That's part of why I desperately need to get back to California full time, so I can exercise my right to explore medical alternatives that aren't available or may not be accepted in the cruel corrupted Midwest(and elsewhere).

Well,I'm glad to be able to post today and I hope your having a fun and eventful 4th of July. Remember to say a prayer for the men and women overseas in Iraq and that this murderous regime comes to an end very soon. I Love You with all my heart Skylar and I will post again after I get situated somehow back in good 'ole ill-annoy. Take care of yourself, look out for those that you Love, treat others with kindness... and use that brilliant mind of yours, that's precisely what it's there for. May Peace and Love surround you my beautiful daughter..Love you lots, your hopeful Dad.