Monday, July 18, 2005

Chugging Right Along ....Sort of

Hi Sky, I've been working hard lately at getting my life back on an even keel and while things are definitely going slow at least I feel like I'm beginning to make some sort of headway. I finally got an appointment to see a doctor about the chronic pain in my back /neck from degenerative disc disease in my cervical and lumbar spine and I'm looking very forward to making some progress with that. If I can just get myself re-stabilized healthwise then I can begin to prepare for some serious transitional life changes including some college classes. Eventually the natural stress levels should begin to subside a bit,now if I can only find the patience to just hold tight a bit longer,it seems much sunnier days are on the horizon. I once heard a quote from Sam Walton(the founder of Wal-Mart) that I liked a lot. Sam said "DON'T ALLOW YOURSELF TO FALL INTO DIFFICULT SITUATIONS YOU CAN'T CHANGE!". Simple perhaps but oh did he ever hit the nail on the head with that one. I'll remember that one for the rest of my days.

A well articulated sense of foresight is an absolutely PRICELESS personal commodity Skylar and should never be discounted or overlooked. While none of us has the ability to see in to the future,we're all capable of thinking through to the possible outcomes of our actions BEFORE we take them and, as far as I'm concerned, the process of foresight(or thinking through to the results of your actions) is with out doubt one of the most indispensable mental processes we humans have the ability to integrate in to our routine daily cognition. If I only knew then even half of what I know now I, without ANY doubt, would have steered ALL of my focus and mental energy in to getting a sound education and building the essential foundation for a structurally sound life. Trust this baby girl,while being "cool" or fitting in may seem like a life sustaining requirement at the time(when you're growing up in life), no matter how "in" or hip an action or possession may make you feel, a well used mind trumps them all.

Furthermore I bet if you take a look at the real world you'll notice that those that keep it real and apply their minds toward gaining an education and making themselves both smarter and stronger as individuals(and more marketable) almost always get to have the last laugh(and ultimately more fun too). So take a look at all those kids that get called names like "nerds" or "brains" and for some untold reason aren't largely considered to be cool or in the hip and excepted "in" crowd, for what you see is an illusion my love and in reality it is these kids who truly hold all the beans in life. Indeed , some day most of the uber-cool In crowd types will be begging those nerdy so called"losers" for jobs or a chance at a decent future. There aren't many flunkies that will honestly tell you their lives seem fulfilling to them and there certainly aren't many without an education that get to enjoy any of the finer fruits of their worklife like leadership positions or creative freedoms in their jobs.

I'm certainly not telling you this just because it's the right thing to do or in order to do what's right as a father, NO, this I say out of utter truth and out of the purest respect for you as my daughter. I tell you this, actually, based on my own sometimes unbearable experience and personal observations. I mean only to reflect upon some hard won wisdoms I have earned, for it is with my greatest hopes that you may have a smoother path in life. It is what it is on this one Sky and I'm just putting it out there where you can see it. The rest of the process of assessing the worth of these statements and ultimately the decision of whether or not to integrate these statements in to your life as personal knowledge that you own is, regardless of ANYONE'S wishes or stern prodding, entirely up to you.

I Love You Very Much sweetheart and I only want for you to have a much clearer insight than I did when I was attempting to grow up without a clue about many of the things I speak to you of in these days. I think that's probably enough food for thought for today. Be good and keep yourself occupied with constructive and positive things, it'll make your time a much more valuable commodity. I'll post again as soon as I'm able to and as always I continue to long for the day I can finally make contact with you. You are truly lovely to me Sky and you're always in my thoughts. Love...You're E.G.F