Monday, July 25, 2005

There's Always A Brighter Day

Hi sweetie, thankfully I'm feeling a lot better today than I was during the last post. Ya know, It's crazy how no matter how harsh and totally crappy your day can get, there is ALWAYS a brighter day on it's way. Well, as long as you get to have another day, but you know what I mean. So anyway, before I say anything else today there is something I kinda want to get clear on first. I wrote in a recent post titled "Random (dad)Thoughts #2" that alcohol and any hard street drug were absolute zero tolerance substances and basically should be avoided at all costs. Wellllll, I think there might be just a little more to say about the spirit of total honesty.

While I do feel that these substances pose a tremendous potential for harm, in being consistent with the level of honesty I have committed myself to maintain in order to achieve the level of integrity I demand of myself in my relationship with you(boy, this is harder than I thought), I must include the ever popular sentiment that if alcohol is indeed used in strict moderation and to a lesser degree if a street drug is used carefully,responsibly and in small dose(by an Adult 21 years or older) that the catastrophic effects I hint to in my personal review of these substances is, in fact, not entirely likely to occur, at least not immediately.

That said, let me continue in saying that the odds of someone actually using alcohol in any truly moderate form for any significant period of time is about(at best) the same as the chance that someone will be granted access to membership in the American Mensa Society which at present is about 2%. Furthermore, regardless of the quantity consumed, in accord with present day federal and state laws, any amount of most street drugs is considered highly illegal(with stiff penalties) and does without doubt(and to a much higher degree) pose extreme risk of profound and permanent damage to the human mind, body and spirit.

There, I just had to get that off my chest. I want you to feel as though you can always speak truthfully to me Sky and that when I tell you something that you can be assured of my total commitment to truthfulness as well. This is very important to me Skylar and I want to take this time to let you know that with total certainty and in absolute seriousness. It's a huge thing to have a relationship that is based solely on unwavering truth and total positive respect for one another. Since you'll always hold the #1 relationship slot in my heart I want to make sure that this relationship is approached and supported in that spirit and treated with the level of integrity that such an important entity would deserve.

Cool, I'm glad I got a chance to say that because now you'll know better where I'm coming from. Sky, I'm a pretty cool person if you get to know me and I don't want to ,actually , I refuse to alter my personality in some way to try and appear like some sort of stereotype "perfect father figure" or something that's fake and ingenuine. Nope, that just wouldn't be me, and , that simply would not be good enough for MY SKY. It simply would not do. So, while I may at times come off as a bit of an eccentric or independent free thinking type, odds are that's only because that's exactly what I am. Believe me Sky when I tell you, I've been around this great world of ours enough to know when I'm being lead down a false or bogus path and most of the time when I say I know something it can be checked and confirmed that indeed I've the experience or relevant knowledge to speak my piece.

If ever there is a time when I don't know something or don't have an answer then part of maintaining that supreme level of integrity in our relationship is telling you honestly that, while I'm more than willing to help you figure something out, at this point I just don't know. Great, for some reason I seem to be touching on several of the important details I wanted to discuss about our relationship and I didn't even write any of this as a draft first either. I love it when a thought process comes together :-) . Whoohooo, I'm clickin' it out fo' ma baby!!. Oh yeah, I'm definitely not immune to being embarrassing either, although it's generally just in kidding around and I realize I'm being a tardo when I do that. I'll try to keep that to a minimum, for now anyway.

I know there's no way of telling when you'll come across any of this but when you do, and if(when) you're willing, I would Love to hear about the things that make you smile. I want to hear about all the triumphs you've enjoyed and about the hardships and deep personal demons you've had to deal with. I just want to chill on a big cushy couch or something and listen for as long as you can talk. That would be some seriously sublime music to my ears. I often wonder in my daily thoughts about you what kind of clothing you prefer, what's you're favorite color(s), what you like to do for fun, you know, the little details that illustrate you're personality. Yeah, that's it, I want a gigantic illustrious illustration of everything that makes you who you are. It's always important to know what you want,it makes it easier to figure out how to get there. I think they call that, goals , or something to that effect(as a matter of fact, they DO).

Well Skylar, seeing as how I'm pretty much just sort of rambling about at this point, I suppose I should probably hang this one up for now and begin working on the next post which I'll be ready to publish here within the next couple of days. By the way, I hope you enjoy the Random Thoughts feature, it just kinda came together on it's own. I think I'll continue with that as it gives me a place for all the stuff that doesn't really follow any sort of format or pattern so to speak. The next one's gonna be about Spirituality I think so that should surely be a fun one. I suppose I'll need to write it first though, that would probably help, then I'll put it here when I'm done. Yeah ,That's a plan, man.

Darling, please feel free to contact me any time and know that I am waiting hopefully to hear from you and that when it comes to my heart it's like a lost inheritance for you, just waiting to be claimed. I hope and pray that you're safe and doing ok and as always I continue to long for the day when contact with you is finally achieved. Although I'm probably not much to look at in real life, there's a virtual treasure trove of goodness I carry inside and it's my fondest dream to someday hand it all over to you. Until I should receive such grace, be good to those around you and always be conscious of doing the right thing because, in every essence of truth, it totally, totally matters. Take care sweetheart and I'll post again soon. I Love You with ALL My Heart. With greatest sincerity, you're Eternally(Forever) Grateful(For YOU) Father(EXALTED By You're Existence)