Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Beware of the Thought Controllers......

There is an undeniable force impeding upon all of us in this crazy new age we live in and its all centering around one primary objective,the control of how and what we think. The extreme level of high technology we now enjoy, while a boon for legitimate information exchange, also vastly increases the possibility that the information we receive and process through our brains as part of the development of our personal opinions, points of view and general outlooks on life(or our life experiences) may very well be FALSE. In reflection of, and in direct response to this reality I would urge you,emphatically , to embolden your character and beware of the ever increasing threat of THOUGHT CONTROL.

You have a mind that is every bit as blessed and capable of clear, discernible thought processing as anybody else's. You must make certain that you retain permanent control of your own mind. To truly even begin to better understand what's really going on in the world it is necessary to put forth at least a modicum of effort. In light of this I have put together a short list of what I believe to be some of the more incorruptible sites involving national and world significant issues. These I believe would be useful websites in any persons search for a more unenhanced and unscripted presentation of events as they are actually occurring.

Here are a few respectable politically active sites that you might want to check out. Alternet, American Progress Action Fund, Center for Digital Democracy, Citizens for Media Literacy, Common Cause, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Free Press, Media Matters for America, Media for Democracy,,, Reclaim the Media, Youth Media Council, ZMagazine. One note, beware of the liberal extremists that sometimes get intertwined with the real truth tellers. While they are almost as bad as some of the right wing fanatics out there, all ultra extreme or fanatical sources would best be avoided with opting for a glimse of the real truth, which usually resides somewhere nearer the middle ground, as being a far more preferable choice.

Keep in mind, the primary point to even reading any of this in the first place is to attempt to access a glimmer of what's actually going on around us. The real trick to it all is to somehow be able to use your better judgment to disprove the material you're being presented with and it's also always good to examine just what it is any particular source, or who they are speaking in support of, has to gain from convincing you that the information they are presenting is in fact the real truth. Happy reading and remember what Oliver Wendell Holmes once said "A mans(any humans) mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions".

I would also HIGHLY recommend this site and seeing the movie it discusses as it will definitely shed a new light on how your very thoughts are constantly under threat of media manipulation and how if you are not aware that this is happening then you become a much bigger candidate to become victimized by the disinformation society. As you're father but even more so just as you're honest friend I must tell you this, always question authority Skylar and always make sure you reserve the right to think freely and to use your own mind. Those are two rights and personal abilities that can never be taken away from you so long as this is still considered to be a democratic society. Good reading to you my beautiful daughter and may your research shine a brighter light toward Truth, and as always may peace and love surround you and keep you. I Love You Immensely and With All My Heart. Sincerely, Your E.G.F.