Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Skylar Wheatley, Loving You, And Missing You Badly, My Beautiful Daughter!!!!

Hi Sky, It's now 2006, and I begin college in two more weeks! Yikes! I would say that I'm having a mixed feeling of both total nervousness, and total excitement, at the prospect of getting to attend college and make a better life for myself, so that after I get a degree and find a good job, then I can give all of my newly earned money to the states of Illinois and Indiana!! Yeay!!! I guess life doesn't always have to be fair.

Yes, often times life can seem entirely unfair, and we never like it when it does, but that's just an irrevocable reality of life, sweetheart, and the best we can do with that is just to learn to take the bad parts with the good parts, stay positive, and strive to do the absolute best that we possibly can. Besides, in this case, it sure will be great to eventually get these government leeches off of my back for good.

The situation I am suffering through with the court system is an entirely anonymous sort of process, and they basically couldn't care any less about me, my situation, or any aspect of my relationship with you. Heck no, they just want money. Money period. Cold, unfeeling, and as mechanical as it gets. Just send me the money.

It's crazy having to deal with these people (in the court system) because if it weren't for their bothering me, then I would probably never ever have any other kind of concerns with getting into trouble with the "System" or law enforcement in general. I'm not saying that I'm a perfect angel, but I don't break the law, and I'm never a nuisance to anyone these days. I've came a long way, babe. I honestly feel like I have grown, as a person, into a man you could truly be proud of, to have as your father, and as a person you could be inspired by.

I've been really busy(overwhelmingly so) looking for an apartment lately, but no luck as of yet. Jeez, I thought it would be considerably easier than it has been to find a place before now, but I guess with all of my requirements it makes it a little harder to find something suitable. I have an appointment with a gentleman today to discuss his terms and whatnot, so I'll let ya know how that turns out. Wish me luck, it looks like I'm gonna need it!

Oh, I didn't tell you yet, 'cause I guess in all the bustle of looking for somewhere to live I must have just forgot, but, you're web log has been on network television. No Doubt, Isn't that crazy? Yeah, I was just walking down the street, when I encountered a news crew, and just to get a smile I said, "Is this my five minutes?(of fame)", and they laughed, and then asked me about my physical situation, and everything just sorta took off from there. It all ended up turning into a full lenth human interest story about me, and what's presently going on in my life! Weird, huh? For sure.

I don't know exactly how any of that came to be, but, the coolest thing is, they not only mentioned on the air that I was presently looking for my daughter, but they also took it upon themselves to go back to the station and look up your web log, this web log, and they filmed an actual realtime camera image of this web log and put that on the air as well! The story ran on the news station WMBD during primetime news at 6:00, then again at 10:00, and also the following morning and day as well!! WhooHoo!! Your famous, babe! And you didn't even know that thousands of people were wondering where you are.

Sky, I'm still trying to work out a new format, or technique, to get these posts out in a timely manner while I'm going to college full time, but I haven't exactly gotten that nailed down just yet. Don't worry though, I'll surely come up with something, it just might take a bit longer than I'd like it too, that's all. This is far too important to me for me to just let it fade away or something. Nope, there's definitely a crazy strong will, so there eventually will come a nifty new way to balance it all. In due time, my dear, I just have to exercise a little patience, that's all.

There is a chance, I'm afraid, that these posts will be getting a substantial bit more difficult to write and get posted, but, like I said, never fear, my love, this is important enough where I will find a way. I just wanted to give you a little heads up to the fact that things may likely be a bit haphazard for the next few weeks, or possibly even a bit more, because of my having to adapt to a full time college curriculum and all. Perhaps I can figure out something in regards to this newest stressor in my life, and maybe do the posts in a different way or something. I'll deal with that bridge when I get to it, but I'll figure something out.

Wish me luck, sweetie, I'm going to COLLEGE!!, YYEEEESSSSS!! It's about darn time too, that's totally for sure. In the mean time, I hope that you will be putting an equal amount of honest effort in to your schoolwork, and that you will make a promise, to yourself, to do the absolute best you possibly can, in the hopes of someday getting the chance of a way better life for yourself in the future. Well darling, I need to get going for now, I have a meeting about a new home, so I'll close for now, and write again within the next four or five days.

Skylar, please remember to always look out for yourself in the best way possible, sweetheart, and, that it is necessary for you to remain conscious of the choices that you make in order to do so. I want for you always the best, my darling, and that means that you will need to remember to always treat other people the way that you would prefer to be treated, as an individual, in order to be able to help cultivate a positive and supportive environment for yourself, in which you will be able to live within.

I Love You So Much, Sky, and please do not hesitate to contact me if ever even the slightest inclination should occur to you. I love you with all my heart, Skylar, and I'm missing you to the point of sickness. Please send an email, and tell me that you're there, and that you're truly, really, doing alright. My heart cries out for you, wherever you are. Take care of yourself, darling daughter, and look out for the family that you do have around you, for they are truly beyond a priceless treasure to your heart. I 'll post again here as soon as I can. I Love you, Sky, and I pray that peace and love may surround you, and keep you safe and healthy. Try you're best to stay positive, beautiful one, and I hope to hear from you soon.

ALL Of My Heart Is Yours,
Your Eternally Loving Father