Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Did It, Skylar Wheatley !!!! I'm Going To Schoooool !!!!!!

Hi Sweetheart, sorry I haven't been able to post quite as often as I'd like to, but, I've been sort of busy lately making preparations for some very positive changes in my life. I've been busy, Skylar Wheatley, getting I.D's and personal documents in order, trying to secure a new place to live, taking college placement tests, and oh yeah, I got enrolled in college !!! No lie, and I have a full course load too! I am now a full time student, and I'm really excited about attacking this challenge with all the vigor and positive commitment that I'm always telling you that you should have.

Needless to say, sweetheart, I am totally elated, and I can hardly wait to start my classes. With every second that passes, from here on, I will be another second closer to finding and getting in contact with you, and nothing, let me repeat that, NOTHING could ever make me any happier than that. I think I have my course load pretty well balanced out for now, except, If I've taken on too much all at once then I may end up dropping one class and taking it at a later time, but pretty much all is cool with that sitch for now. Hey, I'm really STOKED honey!!! I get to go to college !!! FINALLY !!!! Thank God above, for I have truly truly been blessed. WhooooHooooo !!

As for you, my dear, I hope that you are doing real well, and that you're applying yourself at school, and making the best of what you have to work with. Never stop being grateful Skylar, no matter what kind of hardship or struggles you may be experiencing. If you keep the faith alive, my love, then things will, at least, work out so that you can make it to a brighter day. Always remember to keep your chin up, and never surrender. It's up to all of us, as individuals, to make it worth the price we pay to have a life that's not filled with unnecessary gloom and overburdening hardship. I know this for sure Skylar Wheatley, if you ever get to here my whole story, you will understand just exactly what I'm talking about. And I can hardly wait till I get a chance to tell you all about it. Please contact me soon.

It has been a while since I've included my contact information so let me give you my addy again. Once again, I'm going to talk it out so my addy doesn't get picked up by any sweep programs and filled to the hilt with unwanted spam and junk that I don't need. You can contact me by writing to jcasinova and then the @ sign, and then gmail, and then a dot and then, of course, the com ending. Darling , if you ever feel, in any way compelled to, please know that nothing even conceivably imaginable could ever make me any happier than to hear from you, sweetheart. So please don't ever hesitate to write me, at any length, about anything you could ever want to say to me, cause I'll be here, missing you and dying to hear from you, and loving you with every ounce of love in my heart. I pray for that day to come quickly.

Well my beloved daughter, I need to go look for some housing and mostly to just grab something to eat, 'cause I am seriously HUNG-RAY. Fo'shizzle, feels like I'm about to starve to death!! Cheeseburgers to the rescue !!!!! I will be posting again soon, and will be thinking about you on a nearly hourly basis, until I get to finally hear from you. In the mean while, Sky, please be sure that you are always making your best honest effort to put your best foot forward, and to give your all to whatever situation you may be in. Please remember, Sky, that it is very important to make sure that you are constantly treating others with the courtesy and respect that you would prefer to be treated with. Your self respect is totally priceless Sky, so you should never be willing to sell that out, at any price. I assure you, you would definitely be the wiser and stronger as a person for realizing the truth that this holds.

I'm gonna go now sweetie, so you behave respectably and try and be sure that you challenge yourself with new, challenging and positive things. Skylar, I love you very much, darling girl, and I long painfully for a day when I could relay that to you in person, so that the truth may stand on its own. Be thoughtful when you make your choices sweetheart, and always make sure to remain conscious of the choices that you make, and make only those choices that you know, in your heart, to be the absolute best thing and right thing, to do. God bless your every breathe my beautiful daughter. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. I miss you so bad Sky, I hope that everything is alright and that you will find this web log soon and feel the desire to let me know that your out there, and that your really doing OK. Don't hesitate to contact if you want to. I'll be waiting, not so totally patiently, and I will post again here soon. Adieu ma fille, mon coeur est avec vous toujours. Je t'aime Skylar Wheatley! ! Je t'aime ma fille ! ! Soyez bien ! !

With All My Heart And Soul,
Your Eternally Grateful Father