Monday, November 07, 2005

The 'Power Of Prayer'....forget false promise..I've got the G.F.E.

Hi baby, I just wanted to let you know that I now have the 'Power Of Prayer', a massive prayer network, praying that God will guide you to Google your name and find this web log soon. I'm figuring.......if God can't make this happen, then it just plain isn't possible for it to happen. Jeez, the 'Power of Prayer' is worldwide, so you can expect an extremely heavy increase in that "direct line to God"(still the greatest wireless service available) type of communications going on concerning the chance to bring you into contact with this web log.

Wow, a member of their prayer network just showed up, out of the blue, and asked me if I would like for her to pray for my health condition, and I told her that I had something far more important to me than that, and BAM, we are now being supported in prayer by an untold, but VERY large, amount of people. It's a beautiful thing, and the timing is just crazy perfect too, right after I told you that I was going to keep on asking as many people as I possibly could to pray that you will find this web log, and consequently, get all the messages held within it.

Oh man, I just really hope this brings about some positive changes that I've been looking for, for a really long time. Whew, that will truly be a gift from God, even if you decided that you didn't want to contact me, just so you'll read these words, and know in your heart that you are sooooo(that's VERY or WWAAAYYYY) truly loved, and that nothing on this planet could be more fulfilling to me than to finally hear from you, Sky, my beautiful, beloved Daughter. I miss you with all my heart.

I also wanted to tell you that there now is a star up there, in the heavens, named Skylar L'nea, and it's an actual star that I named at the Universal Star Council. The star didn't cost me any money to name, it was from a promotional offer from another site that sends me emails sometimes, and it's a real twinkling star too! I thought that was kinda neat, even if it is a bit on the novelty side. If you want to see it, you can go to the Universal Star Council and look it up. Your star is; Skylar L'nea (OH Yeah!), and it's locational coordinates are; RA16h20m12.89s DEC-17 .13892 MAG14.84. Cool beans, check it out. Now your tattoed on my hip and twinkling in the sky, forever. Sweet.

I hope you are managing to keep yourself occupied with positive and productive activities, darling. You know, I wouldn't keep telling you how incredibly important it was if it weren't actually incredibly important. I like to look out for my baby girl, it's what makes me feel alive and worthy. It's killed me to be kept away from that opportunity, to have a say, and an influence, in your life. Without that, I'm literally just a broken, wounded, man. It's kind of akin to chopping off the hair of Sampson, it's where I've emotionally invested all my strength. Hmmmm, now that I think about it, there might be even more to that comparison than I had originally realized.(yikes)

Anyway, I really hope that you are putting your best foot forward, consistently, and that you are allowing yourself to be challenged, and humbled, and to grow as a person. If you walk this totally rockin' path my love, you know, the path that righteously rocks, I assure you that the person you grow up to become will glorify the world that you walk through and shine some righteous power right back out to God himself (Ya know, it's funny though, I always thought God was probably an Elder Black Woman, dunno why, haven't really figured that one out yet.) Hmmmmm.

Never the less, beautiful one, I'm sure that whatever form God intends to take, and whatever he (or she) has in the plans for us, that which ever path you choose to take in life, as long as it isn't harmful, will surely be filled with superpower God Force Love. I have neverwaning faith in that, for total sure. All you have to do is stay bright, stay active, and keep on struggling to lead a positive life while helping as many people as you can along the way. Never surrender babe, good things are on the way for you.

Please, be sure that you continue to approach and treat others with the courtesy, and self respect, that you would prefer to be treated with. I want you to know, Skylar, that you are, you will be, and you always have been the undisputed, all encompassing, neverdying, overwhelmingly undeniable, everlasting eternal Love of my life. And please do not ever let yourself forget that.

Well sweetie, I have to go for now, but I just wanted to let you know about the way massive prayer network(does it really work? Well, we will certainly see!), and the star named "Skylar L'nea" (It's in the Scorpio system too!!!), and also.....Coming Soon... to a web log called 'Desiderium Paternis' near you..............Random (dad)Thoughts #5!....this is going to be a good one...very important too, so you'll definitely want to take a look at that.

Remember Sky, throughout your day, when you are making your choices, ALWAYS make sure to be conscious of the choices that you make and ALWAYS be sure to do what you know to be the absolutely most righteous thing to do. I know you will take care of the loved ones that you do have around you, yes, because your cool that way, right? Right. Thanks Sky(MYSKY). May Peace and Love surround you baby, I'll post again here soon. Veuillez ĂȘtre sur votre meilleur comportement!! Je t'aime ma belle fille!! Au revoir pour maintenant, mon beau beau Ciel !! Au revoir !!!

All My Love Forever,
Your Forever E.G.F. with the everloving G.F.E.