Monday, September 05, 2005

The Only Thing We Have To fear itself...

Hi Sky, I hope everything is going reasonably smoothly in your life at the present. Make sure to keep your mind stimulated and extend yourself to some challenges too, ok? Ok, thanks sweetie. Well, I'm going for an epidural steroid shot on the 8th but the doctors said that since I'm holding such high pain levels for so long, and at such a young age, that I shouldn't really get too overwhelmed with joy just yet, but hopefully I will get at least some kind of benefit from this procedure. It's too long of a needle not to have some kind of positive benefit, and I have to be awake too, yowsie. We'll just hope that goes real well and I'll let ya know how all that works out.

Anyway, the subject I had in mind for today is about, probably, one the most important personal assets any person could ever have in their arsenal of tools for personal effectiveness and achievement in life. That may sound a little grandiose, but believe me, I kid you not. What, you may ask, is this super killer, end all, be all of personal character qualities? That amazing character attribute, is what we humans refer to as Courage. As I've said before, courage is like a symbiotic partner to honesty in that they are constantly looking out for one another. Sometimes It takes courage to be honest and when you're honest it tends to give you a better sense of courage. Honesty is about the only quality that can even come close to courage in importance and personal worth.

First of all, here's the literal definition of courage . Yes, courage is necessary in almost every part of our lives, to some degree or another, and without it we probably couldn't even get out of bed in the morning, or leave our homes and take a simple walk down the street. Mind you, in some areas of this country, I wouldn't even suggest that you do take a walk down the street, even in the daytime, but if you absolutely had to do it, the ultimate personal commodity that would best help to get it done, would be a proverbial truck load of good old fashioned courage. Indeed, anytime anything significant has ever taken place or gotten done on this planet, there has always been a good supply of courage driving it's success. It is in the spirit of true raw courage that today's topic will be; Courage, why ya need it, and how to get it. Note the title to this post, Franklin D. Roosevelt, our 32nd U.S. President, spoke those words in his first inaugural address at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C., way back on March 4th, 1933. Few other famous quotes or statements throughout the whole of human history have ever rang so true, or been so undeniably important.

The thing I like most about President Roosevelts famous line is that, not only did it take this man a heaping load of courage to stand up there and say that to the entire world, but simply the fact that this statement represents a completely timeless truth. Courage is every bit as essential to our survival in the post dot com era, as it most definitely was back when Grog, the hairy caveman, was hunting giant mammoth out on the prehistoric tundra with his totally courageous hairy caveman bro's. Courage is a very important element in building and maintaining the relationships we have with people, and for the ability to resolve conflict when it arises. Practicing personal courage is necessary if you want to really resolve conflicts at school or work. It is much easier and much safer to ignore the necessary conflict and play ostrich(see-opposite of courage). Unfortunately, unresolved conflict tends to escalate, and can eventually turn in to trouble.

You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable. Here is an excellent article for you to read more about what courage is all about and how to build and reinforce a solid sense of courage in your life . I really like what this person has to say about courage, and a lot of other important things as well and I probably should have included his site in your links section of this web log (blog!), in fact, I just did, now you have thirty! Looking back, just on my life alone, it is easy for me to immediately pick out several instances where having courage has helped secure and mold my life for the positive. It is also just as easy, admittedly with some regret, to pickout, at least several instances where a lacking or weakness in my personal courage has caused harm to my life and to my personal confidence that I can still feel some resonance of to this day. It is through the mistakes from my past that I have learned the true relativity of being totally honest, and of having to have courage to be able to do it.

Believe me Skylar, it pays to have courage, in ways that are of tremendous importance to the very success you will feel in your life. It's without doubt a totally well spent effort to take the journey in learning how to gain courage within yourself and utilize it for the betterment of your life. This is a topic that I can't stress the importance of enough, and the fact of how much it is of immense personal value to you. Learn to build and reinforce you're sense of courage, Sky, and it will pay you sweetly throughout the entirety of your life. Keep in mind while engaging on this quest, that true courage comes from deep within you and is based on a living sense of honesty and confidence in yourself. Sometimes when attempting to improve our abilities to empower our lives, we can make the mistake of forgetting to start with what we already have inside, and to look in there and truely see yourself as you honestly are can be a pretty daunting thing to accomplish, but it just takes a little courage.

Good luck with this acquisition, and you should remember, that if you just have a little faith in yourself you can do just about anything you put your beautiful mind to. Courage invites challenge and when you engage yourself in a challenge with a sense of courage in your heart, you can push yourself to the limits and experience wonders you've never imagined. Life is good my dear lovely daughter, that is for sure, you just have to have the courage to truly live it. I love you very very much my darling young lady and I nearly cry at the thought of being without you for even a single nother day. I guess I'll have to muster my own sense of courage and just be patient enough to make it until some form of contact can finally be achieved. I long for you in my heart Sky, I'm constantly hoping and praying that you're alright and that you'll know how to navigate this crazy maze of life without me. I want you to be alright, on the inside and out. If you come across this web log and you ever feel any hint of an urge to contact me, please feel confident in your knowledge that I will always be open and joyful and excepting of your contact. And now...the big closing "brainwash" treatment of life skill learning that I've chosen to include in every post for the last who knows how long, but hopefully long enough for you to get it..........

Sky, please be sure to always try and treat people with the honest courtesy and sense of respect that you would prefer for people to treat you with when they are interacting with you....and don't forget this dandy nugget of wise and useful knowledge.........please, always be conscious of the choices that you make throughout your day and make sure that you make sure to do what you know to be right and just in whatever the situation may be....yes, and this part is very very true....because it really, totally matters. Thanks Sky, I trust you'll always try and be the best person you can really be, I just need to remind you of these important things to help you learn them and to make them become second nature to you. Be good my dear and keep yourself busy with positive and constructive things. I'll post again soon. Until then, Soyez bon ma belle fille. Je t'aime chèrement mon beau Ciel. Adieu ma fille. ;-)

Sincerely Yours Forever, You're Forever E.G.F.