Friday, September 02, 2005

What This Blog Is About.......and how to use it...

Hi Sky, I hope this finds you doing well and keeping yourself, mind and body, in healthy shape. I was just looking at some news coverage of the New Orleans catastrophe down on the gulf coast. Wow, these folks need a lot of help right now, we should all be thinking of how we can lend a hand or help in any way during a crisis like this. If you can't help physically or financially then at least keep these unfortunate people in our prayers. If you don't know how to pray or who/what to pray to, then this would be a good time to find out, and pray that these people will be alright and that the good Pre$ident Bu$h doesn't spend all of our safety dough trying to look like a responsible doofus. I guess a responsible doofus is better than an irresponsible doofus, but I don't think the two cancel each other out, so, anyway, once a doofus always a doofus, I suppose.

So, on a much brighter note, how is school going so far? I hope that you are starting to acclimate yourself and maybe even getting to meet a few respectably cool individuals that you could hang with and stuff. I remember back(way back? youch!) when I was first starting high school. Some seniors tried selling me a pool pass to the pool up on the third floor, but I said "Yeah, right suckerz !! There is no third floor in this building, senior jackasses!" and then they chased me several blocks screaming expletives, something about ripping appendages and my mama. Ha! Ah, the good 'ole glory days of high school. I would imagine in a lot of ways, it's much better nowadays. To get a decent Idea of what it was like back in my day, you can see a movie called 'Dazed and Confused', yep, I was at the last part of that era, then, thankfully, they outlawed that type of hazing on a permanent basis, before things got way way wayyy out of hand.

Well, as the title on this here little vessel implies, today we're gonna talk about this web log(blog!), and what it's for, and how to take it, and what it means, and bla bla bla bla bla, and whatever else I could possibly think up to say about the nature, capabilities, or intent of this blog(blog!) and the many heartfelt postings that lie within its ultra, ultra fun and informative columns. Obviously this will be ever helped along, in it's natural progression, by my infinite wit(yyyesssss!) and the absolutely, ridiculously goofy mood that, at this very moment, I find myself presently to be in. Now then, get ready, strap yourself in, 'cause girl are we ever going to have a par-tay!

Naw, just kiddin', I am in a pretty crazy mood right now though, so, who knows, I may just squeeze in a few extra, punctuation marks, or something, whoo, the true king of excitement forever reigns supreme. On a more semi-serious note though, I want to address some concerns I, you, or any number of family counselors that may possibly know about this site, were probably wondering about. First of all, NO, besides the stupid pharmies that the doctors keep trying to give me, which I hate to take, NO I am absolutely NOT taking drugs. I can not use that as my excuse. Secondly, in addressing any concerns said counselors may have about this web log(blog!), No, I would never do or say anything to my daughter that I didn't feel she was responsibly ready for, and that I didn't, with absolute certainty, feel that she deserved to, or was otherwise necessary for her to, know. But thank you, for your concern.

The primary reason and 100% initial intent of this web log (blog!), was, and still is, to reach you with the opening salvo located at the top of this page. After that, it's all just gravy. ;-) The post content that has followed that initial, and ultimately important, message, has just been a sort of open forum from which I can dictate my thoughts, feelings , and several of the key elemental bits of wisdom that I felt I could effectively express to you, my one and only and very much beloved child. The material contained herein is intended to be read and enjoyed primarily by, and for the sole use and discernment of, my one true child, Miss Skylar L'nea Wheatley, a.k.a. You baby! ( :-c Oui Oui mon beauté !!)

One significant reason for me to address this subject, in it's own post, is to explain a few of the finer details not already alluded to in any earlier explanation of this web log(blog!). First and foremost in my mind would probably be the fact that almost none of the things I say to you in any of these posts could reasonably be held as the undeniable absolutely unyielding total truth, with the exception of the emotions I express towards you, those are quite factual. Mostly, these posts are filled will mere observations and personal accounts I've mentally recorded over the years. I'm not, nor do I ever preclude to be, the know it all, man on the mountain, father of all wisdom, and overall yielder of infallible truths. I am, my dear girl, simply an adoring father, eager to represent my little girl with the most useful, and reliable information that I can muster up the ability to offer her. When possible, I research the things that I don't hold a strong enough working knowledge of to offer you the truest and most sound information or advice that I could possibly offer you. It is quite truly a labor of my love for you, and I am most proud to have the opportunity to provide it for you.

On a serious note, let me clarify some things openly for you at this time. Always I shall intend to encourage within you an overall sense of your ability, and, indeed, the imperativeness of your personal willingness, to engage free thought and to use your innate skills to logically discern whatever information is before you, without prejudice or bias to cloud your good judgment. It is precisely within this same spirit that I urge you must never allow yourself to come, in any way, to perceive me as any sort of oracle of all knowledge or some significant word bearer of the laws of life, not that I think you do. I'm just a simple man sweetie, full of life perhaps, but subject to all the uninitiated challenges, indignations, and personal iniquities that surely have plagued any other man throughout the whole of history. The important separator determinative of any man's character is not what qualities, talents, or wisdom a man may possess, but indeed how, and, in fact, to what extent, that man chooses to use these talents and intelligent gatherings to the advantage of himself, and to the collaborative advantage of the interconnected world around him. In this sense, I can only strive to get stronger and to contribute to the best of my god given abilities. Just remember that, in each new day, I don't view myself as infallible or a know it all, in any way, and it's important that you don't either. Thank you sweetheart, this is very important.

Now, on a less serious note, I was going to talk a little bit about my writing style. Hmmmm, as far as my writing style goes, well, I'm not exactly sure if I'd ever be able to explain that one to you, but of course, I'm willing to give it a try. As far as I could say, it's some sort of eclectic mix of modern American English interlaced with some distinctly Old English(from England) words and sweetened up, a bit sparingly, with some pop cultural slang epithets, then sprinkle a few country hickisms and "personal slangish nonwords" for good measure, bake at 420 degrees for six minutes and there ya have my writing style. "Personal slangish nonwords" is a name that I just made up, about three seconds ago, to describe words like ya, gonna, wanna, gotta, etc. and anything that ends in 'em, like, get'em, find'em and eat'em.....which reminds me, I'm gettin kinda hungry, I think I'm gonna get something to eat after I publish this. Hmmm, 'atsa good idear, I lahk it, I lahk it alaht. :-)

I spoke to a gentleman just a couple of days ago who has a masters in comparative literature, and he commented that many of my sentences have a distinct 19th century victorian likeness to them. Hmmmmm, as I am, at this point, totally unlearned in any sort of writing or grammerical skills, I couldn't begin to explain this simularity at all. Perhaps I'm a reincarnate of some much cooler dude from two hundred years ago, I don't know. If that is the case though, I'm almost certain I would have put back some major funds for the future, now if I can just figure out where I put'em, freedom will be mine! Ours!! Yeah, Yahoo! And now....back to reality.

The main point that I wanted to get across in this post, Sky, is that this web log(blog!) is a totally unpredictable spontaneous thought forum composed of a random mix of facts, emotions, and my subjective take on the aspects of life that I feel that I have acquired some wisdom in. I've intentionally left some aspects of my posts to your personal discovery, like various references and the French words, in hopes that some free and creative thought may be inspired. All necessary tools are included in the link section of this web log....(blog!). I don't propose to think for you Sky. I only intend to think openly to you, so that you may see me, and, if fortunate enough, someday along with you, as well.

While I do attempt, to some degree, to achieve a reasonable balance between being clear in my explanation, and best getting my point across in the shortest space possible, my attempts to articulate my thoughts and statements herein should be understood as just that, my mere mortal attempts. While I do try to condense my thoughts to a reasonable size for these posts, keep in mind that sometimes there may be, and usually is, a substantial bit more to say about a topic or subject and if I were to entertain the same points in a live discussion forum(to my hearts delight, no doubt), I could and would certainly expound on whatever thing we were talking about at the time. There is always more information to cover on virtually every point I present to you and the form this information takes on this web log is only limited by space limitations and reasonable restraint.

In frankness, I must say that with my current stress levels at such blaringly unusual elevations, it tends to become a significantly difficult factor. I am grateful for the ability to even produce these posts to any reasonable standard of overall quality as it is. I can only look forward to making them better with time. Overall, I guess this web log is, well, it just is what it is, and it's a gift for me to be able to create it for you. In it's varied combination of objective and subjective thought, it is my hope that you will be able to find some wisdom, some piece of mind, and possibly even some humor as well. Well darling, I'm glad I was able to post today and I hope that this is at least useful in some way. I will post again soon.......about what, we'll just have to wait and see.

Untill hopefully know what's coming next by now....please be sure of two very important things. Can you think of what they are? Please 1. Always be sure to treat people with the courtesy and respect that you would prefer to be treated with, and, 2. Sky, please be mindful of your actions and be conscious of doing what you can sense and feel to honestly be the right thing to do, because I promise you Skylar, it really totally does matter. Then again, you already knew that, didn't you? ;-) I love you my sweet daughter and I'm still waiting in patient hope that someday very soon I can assure that contact with you shall be achieved. May peace and love surround you sweetheart. All my love to you....... Vous êtes ma légèreté et mon espoir. Soyez bon ma belle fille.

Avec La Sincérité Totale , Votre Pour Toujours E.G.F..