Thursday, August 11, 2005

Shuck And Groove.......Another day in paradise..

Hi Skylar, I'm hoping you're doing well today, as on all days. Are you keeping your mind stimulated? You've got to keep that thing fired up or else the magic will begin to fade. Have you been challenging yourself this week with any projects or problem solving activities? I hope you know to keep yourself active honey 'cause it's really important to stay busy in order to keep your mind and body in good condition. Being in good shape physically and mentally is one of the simplest and most important things you can maintain in your life. It keeps you prepared so you can better take over the least have a life not overwrought with struggle and strife. If you do actually take over the world, or even a small country for that matter, please keep me in mind, I could use a decent State Department job, an official jet plane would be nice too, thanks sweetie :-).

On a more serious note, I just made my first appointment with a local pain center so things should finally get moving along as far as my medical condition is concerned. I'm going to make an appointment to pre-register with a major hospital medical plan so if that works out I'll be able to receive the aggressive treatment my situation requires and that will be a serious blessing if that takes shape. I'm hopeful that with consistent proactive care I will be able to look more seriously at starting some college courses to get qualified in a permanent career field so I can jump back in to the pool of tax paying income generators. That means things should start taking shape here in the somewhat near future, I hope so anyway.

Well, I go to court today and it looks like I won't have to go back there again for at least another six to nine months, if that. I have been working on a Social security claim and when that finally gets approved I will be much better able to approach some of the issues that are currenting holding me back. You will also be mailed some funds then too so that should help you get some of the things you need/want for school. I know it's not a huge thing but it will at least help a lot and most importantly it will facilitate my ability to get an education and a safe place to live. I will be so glad when I get on the back side of this process, it will be way intensely cool to finally get an entire nights rest, in the same night. I'm looking forward to a lot of positive changes transpiring over the next couple of years and If I'm fortunate enough to get there It won't be a moment too soon. You are definitely in those positives if you wanna be. I won't rush you to do anything you're not prepared to so don't sweat that at all. I just would really Love to be able to have you in my life to as much of an extent as possible so be aware of that, OK? ok.

Do you ever write poetry? I was thinking about that a little earlier and I wondered if you liked poetry or maybe even have made some. I think I'd like to try to write a song sometime. I absolutely love music and I think it would be kinda fun and a good release of creative energies to attempt to make my own tune. I have a few themes I was leaning toward, like freedom of thought, eco stuff, and politics. Or maybe I'll just write a song about You :-). Then when I finish it I can get a talented musician to help me arrange the melody and I can present it to you know who (YOU?). Maybe someday I can get to a place that will afford me the ability to relax enough to channel some of those creative energies and I'll even write a song about Me, too. That would definitely be a barnstormer, for sure. Nooo, I have an Idea, we could write some stuff together and just sing about what ever comes to mind. Yeah, that would be waaaaay cool.

Do you ever do anything like that now? Like being creative or making art of some sort or whatever? I think that using one's creative side can be very rewarding and extremely therapeutic as well. If you don't already do something constructive with you're creative side then I would whole heartedly suggest that you try doing some things just to see what you can come up with. Who knows, you might just be the next S U P E R S T A R ....or maybe you'll just have some fun coming up with new ideas. Anyway, it can't hurt any and it's pretty fun to play around with stuff like music and art, just a thought.

Well darling, I think that it's about time for me to go get the shave/shower thing out of the way, that way I won't be scaring too many innocent folks today. Although, I'm not so sure that very many of these folks are all that innocent and, frankly, this whole place pretty much scares the holy bejeebers outta' Me. What exactly a bejeeber is, I have no Idea, but suffice to say, in this case, it's mad scary. It's just the life sucking perilousness of the mood draining Midwest and the illaudably illiberal Ill-Annoy. Ahhhhh yes, another day in paradise, yeeeehah! Whoa, somebody wake me up quick, I think I'm stuck in a really bad dream! Ohhhh, I know there's a bright side in there, somewhere. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder that's all. I tell ya what, you try and hang in there and so will I. Cool deal? Cool deal :-).

I LOVE AND MISS YOU DEARLY MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER. I will keep on standby for some kind of contact from you and I look very forward to the day that I should be so lucky. That will truly be a day of good fortune, no doubt about it. You be well and look out for those that you love baby. As you're making choices through out you're day, which you always eventually will, please remember to use a little foresight and make decisions that will NOT come back to bite you in the booboo. ok? Ok. And Skylar please remember to be conscious of doing the right thing.... yeah you got it, because it totally totally matters. Thanks Sweetie, I Love You Lots. I'll post again as soon as possible(soon). Most Sincerely Yours Forever, Your Forever E.G.F.