Friday, August 05, 2005

Keeping The Faith.......sometimes it's tough...

Hi Skylar, I hope this finds you doing well and that you've been having some fun along the way as well. As for me I have been doing fairly well lately. I finally got in to see a Doctor and it looks like I'll be able to get some medical attention before long. That is some extremely good news for me. Lately I've been taking some walks along the riverfront here and on the nature trail. It's amazing how many kinds of flora and fauna this place has, for a city in Ill-annoy anyway. My favorite things to see are the Great Blue Herons of which there are several that hang out around here. Back home in Northern California(Nor*Cal) those are a rare and special sight indeed.

As I've been walking I've noticed that there is an incredible amount of garbage and filth littering up the area. I was really disgusted by all this. I felt like I really didn't have much room to complain about it if I just walked on by like everyone else did, so I started cleaning it up myself.
At first people just looked at me like I was mentally ill or something but I persevered in lieu of allowing that to bother me, although it honestly kinda did in a way. Then on the third day something magical started happening. A complete stranger stopped her car where I was standing and rolled down her window to thank me for doing what I was doing. Imagine, something so simple and obvious, yet people act like the clue had never occurred to them. Then a few minutes later another car stopped and soon yet another, this time the park district guys, who were very enthusiastic about my efforts.

That was two days ago and today it warmed my heart to see a lady walking the trail as usual, but this time she had a litter bag in her hand. I'm starting a positive trend!! Wow, it's amazing how gratifying it can be when you do something helpful and beneficial in the bigger picture, especially when people begin to follow you're lead. Now this place will begin to become more beautified and people may even remain more conscious of keeping it that way. The entire local ecosystem will benefit from that and, with a little luck, maybe people will naturally become more aware of how it's all connected.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that with you because I felt good about it and it helps illustrate a great example of doing the right thing and taking cues from the positive side of life.
The coolest part about that story is that it didn't cost a thing to accomplish. Just a little energy and a positive outlook about a situation. The park district was so enthusiastic about someone actually wanting to help make the place better that they offered me free bags and access to off limits areas of the park to retrieve unsightly junk and debris when it turns up. Sure , I know it would be easy to say that these park district guys were just privy to some sucker that would do their work for free. I like to believe that, once in a while in this world, just plain honest goodness really does prevail.

Anyway, I would highly encourage you to empower yourself to take the initiative and do something sometimes just because it's right and because you know it needs to get done. That my dear is what could be referred to as an "award winning character" and if you have the good grace to cultivate one of those than certainly, with a little assertion, your path through life may be paved with many a priceless dream fulfilled. I might mention though that you may not actually ever win an award for that, in the formal sense anyway. The point I'm trying to make, Sky, is that much more positive rewards are destined to those that truly take a positive outlook in their lives and handle matters, regardless of size or scope, with a genuine sense of compassion toward whatever it is their involved in and how they treat the others around them.

Has it ever occurred to you that you are a very powerful person in that you can make a significant positive difference to lot of peoples lives while you are on this planet? Well you definitely are and you, with out any doubt can, Sky, so try and wrap your brain around that one and incorporate it into your very core self(your soul, baby!). Own that knowledge and make it a part of you sweetheart, you owe that much to yourself.

Well, to be frank with you, my day has been a real crapper so far and I'm feeling a bit fatigued from it all(lot's of rejection :-( , bummersville) so I think I'm going to go and take a little breather and attempt to recharge and hopefully face the evening with a little more vigor than I'm feeling at the moment. I'm sure things will get better soon and probably even within this day, tough times always pass eventually. Until then I'll just have to keep the faith and keep on keeping on.

I'm still dreaming of hearing from you and I hope you can somehow be drawn to just put you're name(or mine) in google and see what comes up. Someday I know this dream will come true and you will somehow come across this web log. Like I was saying, until then I guess I'll somehow just have to keep the faith and know that I'll make it through. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART SKYLAR and I hope to get some sort of contact from you real soon. Take care of your loved ones around you and keep yourself well darling. And, as always, please be sure to be conscious of doing the right thing and make choices that you can look back on and be glad you made. Sincerely and with all my Love, you're Forever E.G.F.