Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hello Out There In Outerspace.....Skylar are you out there???....

Hello my beautiful daughter, I hope that all is going well for you and that you're keeping busy with positive things. I have just started physical therapy and it looks like I'll be able to go three times a week so that's some really awesome news for me. I will be seen at a local pain management center on the 24th of this month so overall things should be improving a bit for me soon, medically speaking anyway. I was able to speak with a very pleasant woman yesterday about getting some counseling to combat against the depression and anxiety that are natural offshoot's of the chronic pain syndrome that I experience.

I also explained to her about you and my dilemma surrounding that situation. I was thinking yesterday about the idea of soliciting the help of one of the religious based organizations in this area. I think I'll see if any of them could or would be willing to help me to let you know I'm out here. I wish I could just send out a courier or something 'cause all I really need to do is tell you to google yourself. Man, that's seems so easy, yet it's like, in a sense, still so far away. Google Darnit! Google Google Google.

Oh well, at least I still have something to look forward to I guess, although that's a pretty shoddy bright side if ya ask me.
I think I'd rather just make contact right now, as a matter of fact I know I would. I'm sure I'd still have plenty to look forward to from that point. Heck, with you in my life I'd have everything to look forward to with each and every brand new day. I think I could adjust to that, fer sher babio, ferrr sher. Yeah, no doubt about it, yeperz. Dat'd be betta den da lottery yo! SHIIIIOT. ;-) You don't really talk like that, do you? jeesh, I hope not( but actually, I'd Love you even if you only spoke swahili or goony goo-goo or something, you're still my baby to me. ;-) word.).

So when's this big magical occurrence going to 'appen eh? Like yesterday would be cool, ya know? Hellooo?!?....Planet Plootonnnnn!?!?!......Can You Hear Me ?!?!?!?........Is Anybody Out There?!?!?!......... HELLOooOooOooOooO!!?!!?!!......Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Is Is There There There, Like Like Like, An An An Echo Echo Echo In In Here Here Here Here Here??!?!?! ......Yooooo Yoo Yoo Yoo Yoo Hoooooo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo?!?!?!?.........Hello ello ello ello ello??......HellO ellO ellO ellO ellO!?!?!?!.....uh...hello? Huh, nothin yet :-( . Well..... Bummer, guess I'll keep on trying, maybe someday I'll get a connection. You know what they say, If at first you don't succeed, this case anyway, you try try try try try try try try again, and then try some more if ya have to. All this trying is making me sleepy, (BIG YAWN) I think I need a nap.

I have been looking forward to the opportunity to post again although I suppose I don't really have the time right now to make my commentary(did I actually just call it that?) as good as I'd like it to be, so please bear with me. I wanted to write something about the way that people treat each other and how witnessing that over and over effects the way that we behave within ourselves. I think that when somebody visually experiences a certain type of behavior at a repeated frequency, like, over and over again, that it can have an incredible impact on how that person, in turn, treats others throughout their day. I mean, if you see people conning, manipulating, and just generally being disrespectful to others on a repeated basis, it almost has to have a negative impact on you, right? So the only option in that situation would be to simply stop being a witness to this and that would usually only happen if you stopped being around the offensive individual in the first place. Agree? coolness.

So I suppose what I'm trying to explain here is the connection between one persons offensive and/or harmful behavior and the direct causal effect it has on any other person that may find themselves in the offensive persons company for any extended length of time. I'm sure you can understand that, right? wicked cool. So darling, what I want to ask you is, please, in the spirit of being conscious of making the right choices in your life, please be aware of when you are in the company of someone who is cruel, overtly rude, disdainful or plain disrespectful of themselves and/or others and make the conscious choice to avoid the inherent trouble that these types inevitably attract and choose not to be around them. If you make this right choice you can save yourself a whole world of trouble (for shizzle, believe me, I know) and allow yourself the chance to still have the opportunities that these "not so wise" individuals are throwing away their ability to have.

Just a heads up sweetie, there are a zillion bad situations you can get yourself in to and 1. All of them are bad(I mean BAD NEWS) and 2. Most of this bogus turmoil can be completely avoided if you just take the simple measures of looking at your environment and making the right choices in the moment. Believe me, as soon as you ever experience a chance to exercise this option and do make the right choice and choose not to be a part of whatever trouble is being brewed up, you will positively thank me. The coolest part about this lesson is that after you first exercise it in real life you will instantly be able to grasp the whole of it and from then on you'll be exceedingly less prone to fall in to some unwanted trouble or problems in your life. It's kinda neat because once you use this one it automatically helps protect you and your freedoms in life.

When my parents told me about this it was in a much different sounding context. They called it "bad influences" and said something like "You shouldn't hang around with that kid. He's a bad influence on you!", you can imagine how productive that was. Why couldn't they just explain it to me like I had a brain or something, you know, so it made sense to me. Then I would have taken my cue from there and boy, oh boy, the "world of trouble" I ended up in I could have definitely done without.

Anyway sweetheart, that's what I'm trying to do for you, explain things to you as if you were a thinking, competent individual that is capable of rationally thinking for yourself, which I respect that you are, and know that you can. With this Skylar I hope to help you avoid some of the serious pitfalls that I in my own childhood fell face first directly in to. And I guess that's the gist of what I was wanting to share with you for today.

Remember this, lovely girl...Take integrity over popularity and you'll always be cool. Thanks for taking the time to honestly consider these words Sky, I hope they can afford you some personal power and a little better chance in life. I truly hope only the best for you honey. God bless your every breath.

I LOVE YOU DEARLY MY SWEET DAUGHTER, AND WITH ALL MY HEART. I hope to find soon that contact with you has finally been achieved and until such great moment should grace my life, I will wait as patiently as possible, wait, and pray for grace. Please be responsible in your ever growing maturity Skylar and be sure to always treat others at least as well as you would prefer to be treated yourself. And as I always make sure to remind you, darling please.....always make sure that you are conscious of the choices that you make and for your own good and the common welfare of others make sure that you do the right thing. I Love you sweetheart and I will post again here soon. May peace surround you and keep you in its fold. With Utmost Love and Sincerity, Your FOREVER E.G.F.