Monday, September 26, 2005

We Now Interrupt This Program...for station identification...and stuff

Hi Sky, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone this installment until I'm feeling in a little bit better health. I believe that the epidural steroid shots I've been getting are starting to make me sick. I will post the post I'm already working on when I return in the following few days, but not to worry, I will definitely come back, as soon as possible, and fill this in with a more worthy post as well. I love you Sky, very much. Please take care and I'll post a new one in just a few more days if at all possible, unless I get sicker or something, which, in that event I'll get myself stabilized and get back to posting just as soon as I possibly can. I love you sweetie!

Just because this is a preempted posting, for the time being, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to remind you....Skylar, please make sure that you treat people with the courtesy and respect that you would prefer to be treated with. Also, it's very important, that, as your making choices throughout your day, that you use a little foresight and your God given ability to know wrong from right, and always make absolute sure that you are conscious of doing the right thing, 'cause it's the right choice, and because it definitely totally matters. God bless, sweetie, I love you lots. Adieu ma fille, vous aurez mon coeur pour toujours. Dieu, j'aime ma fille !!