Thursday, September 22, 2005

Get Your Beautiful Heart Set.....on living a great life....

Hi Skylar, it's good to be alive today and able to make this post, and I am grateful for that. Are you getting a lot of opportunities to learn new things at school? I hope so, and I especially hope that you are aware enough to seize these opportunities when they're put forth to you, Sky. Knowledge is power, sweetie, and you're only truly there to make yourself stronger, so you should definitely get your heart set on learning as many new things as possible, while you have the time, chance, and ability to. If you see this advice as wise, and follow it, sometime in your future you will reap some positive benefits from that decision, of this I do assure you, with the utmost of confidence. In fact, it's reasonable to presume that if you fail to seize these opportunities to acquire a strong educational foundation for yourself, while you are given the chance, that you may likely experience an equal amount of result, to the opposite of positive. Great, no pressure there, right?

Just remember, nobody ever said that you can't enjoy yourself while you're taking care of personal responsibilities. You should allow yourself to feel happy just in the fact that you're advocating for yourself in a very positive and lasting way and that you're buying yourself a much sounder future in the process. You should definitely be uplifted by the realization that you are improving yourself by learning new things, and simultaneously assuring that you will be able to avoid a plentitude of unneccesary hardships in your future. That's "free goodness", there for the taking. You're a smart girl, sweetheart, I'm sure you can weigh this one out for yourself. ¿Entienda, guisante dulce? Bueno, muy bueno. Now then, when you go to class the next time, hopefully you should approach your lessons with a newly enhanced vigor due to this new perspective that you now posses. ¿sí? bueno, sí. I have faith in you baby, I just want for you to see yourself excel, and seize the greatness that you have before you. ¿entienda? maravilloso.

You would be well served, darling, by allowing yourself to realize that you can draw a tremendous and continuous flow of positive energy, just through the honest realization that you are living your life in a positive, upstanding sort of way, that is both constructive to a stronger and safer future, and productive to your present day needs along your life journey, and toward the fulfillment of whatever goals and aspirations you may hold for your life. The idea here is, you are doing good for yourself by a positive, productive exertion of your personal energies and just through the realization of the reality of this fact, it naturally stokes you on the positive vibes from understanding that you're doing good. The fact that you're active in this way brings a natural air of happiness with it. Feel me, babe? Coolness.

The antithesis, or, exact opposite, of this wellspring of awesome vibes, would be the lowly person that's just sitting around grim faced and sulking about how much of a "loser" they feel like and feeling bad/guilty about not contributing in any positive way, neither to themselves, or in the larger picture, to the greater population around them. In contrast to the "good energy" person, this one brings on a poor, and badly lacking sense of self-security, and seems to languish in a stenchful pit of negative energy that virtually manufactures it's own unlimited supply of self-pity and confidence crumbling dispair. This person feels often overwhelmed by the scourge of self-perceived failure and an overall feeling of societal incompetence and general inadequacy. I know, yuck city, ya definitely don't wanna be heading in that direction. That's a very bad and mentally taxing state to be in, and it tends to dramatically decrease the life span of those that suffer this state of being for any extended period of time. "Like it not, this idea I do," said Yoda. It's way preferable to just engage your life as an exciting and challenging experience that you're grateful to be involved in, and that you look forward to moving through with a positive take on things.

Get what I'm sayin sweetie? I would think that you'd naturally want to committ yourself to the happier of these life journeys. If so, now would be the time to get your heart set on dedicating the effort it takes to live your life in a positive and productive way, and to reap the healthier benefits as a result. When I used to live down in the Florida pan handle (Panama City), there was a southern lady that I met and one time she was talking about her daughter and the fact that her daughter needed to make a very important choice in her life. She said " Well, she's just going to have to get her little 'ole heart set on it, 'cause that's the way that it is gonna be". I'll never forget how she said that, she said it in such a matter of fact sorta way, ya know? It struck me at that moment, that, if you need to do something or take a particular action in your life, and maybe you're hesitant, or just outright don't want to do it, whatever it is can still be accomplished, if you just intentionally "set" your heart to the belief that, this is just plain the way it is going to be, period.

I understood that to mean that you took on a total and unrelenting acceptance of whatever idea or decision you were "setting" your heart on. It makes it sound like a scientific apparatus that you can just set to a precise increment and that will produce steadfast results to your exact calibrations. It's cool to think that if you truly want to, or just really need to, do something important, that you can just, with a little bit of willing commitment, "set" your your heart on that in a solid way, and then it's off you go. Whoa, sometimes those Southern folks say some really cool stuff. Hopefully you can learn from this little recollection of mine, and you can learn to set your own heart, on taking a successful outlook toward your life and become totally willing to put in the effort it will take for you to enjoy a comfortable level of personal satisfaction within your life. You know, like not suffering through many unnecessarily heinous situations in your life, or getting caught in an energy draining trap of constantly having to battle some ugly personal demons that you've unwittingly created for yourself. Yeah, that's a bogus trip for sure.

"Attention passengers, the pilot has permanently turned on the no smoking sign, and has informed me that we will not be landing in Bummersville today, but will instead be continuing on to the much bigger and better, destination of your choice. Thankyou, and you may now feel encouraged to move around your life freely, for the remainder of your time on Earth." :-)

In case you haven't already gathered, that flight attendant is your consciousness, and the pilot, of course, is You. I guess you could say you're flying the questionably friendly skys aboard "yourlife airlines", and on your way to, what holds strong promise of being, a pretty decent future. Life is like one big plane ride, it all just jets right past us, in a supersonic flash of time. The second most important key to it all, is to be able to somehow grab a hold of even just the smallest little gleam of it as it screams off by you up into the sky. The first is to be able to share some of your good fortunes with others. I hope you will afford yourself the ability to look upon your life as the exquisite gift that it is Sky, and to approach the positive realization of this gift with the seriousness and consideration that it deserves. Contemplate this thought for a moment. Think about things, allow yourself to free your mind, feel your inclination, what do you want to do with your life? The choices are all before you, and the future is yours to create. I love you sweetie, and I have great faith in your abilities. I know that you will feel what is right, and take the appropriate action, in your own time. Just don't put it off for too long, okay?Okay. Peaceful journey my lovely girl, I'll always hope for you only the best. Just remember, you are the only one that can be the pilot of your life.

And with that, I think that I will conclude this installment of 'Desiderium Paternis' and until the next post, which will be within the following several days, I bid you a fond adieu my love. Although..... I do wish to remind please be sure that you treat other people, and other furry critters, with the courtesy and respect that you would like to be treated with. And you have to be getting this by now, yet I still feel compelled to repeat it, so, please, darling one, in all your endeavors throughout your day, when the moment for making a choice arises, be conscious of the choices that you make and be sure, with absolute certainty, to do what you truly believe to be the right thing to do. Skylar, this is of the utmost importance and it totally, entirely matters. Thanks sweetheart. I love you dearly my lovely genetic offspring. :-) May you someday be as happy in your life, as I am when I think of you. God bless, and take good care of the loved ones that you have around you. They are the only true riches of your life. Adieu ma fille, vous aurez mon coeur pour toujours. Vous êtes vraiment, ma légèreté et mon espoir. Dieu, j'aime ma fille !!

Totally And Forever Yours... In Absolute Sincerity,

The Hip Hop Daddy With The G.F.E., Your Forever E.G.F.