Friday, September 09, 2005

On A Short Medical Leave....back in a flash(I love you)....

Hi Skylar, in case you didn't notice, I've corrected the title to reflect a more accurate Latin spelling, so now it's paternis instead of paternus. I understand, that the former spelling would refer to things in a very vague sort of way. The corrected spelling makes it two nouns, longing and father, so it's more particular in it's reference to an individual father, which is Me(yesss!). Anyway, I believe that this is more accurate so I changed it. The man who pointed that discrepancy out to me has a masters from the University of California at Berkeley so hopefully it's correct now. The same man who corrected my Latin also told me how to properly pronounce the words as well, so I wrote it in a phonetic way for you, you know, just how it sounds. Try this, it sounds like; Day zee dare ee oom (like boom) Pah tare niece. Latin's totally cool. :-)

Are you keeping yourself busy with constructive and/or challenging things? I hope so, you'll want to keep that awesome brain of yours in tip top shape ya know. Someday you might actually need that thing. I wish I could help you with your school work, that would be a fun thing, for me anyway. I hope that school is going well and that you are starting to settle in so you can get down to business. I wanted to post today because I'm going to be taking a short break from publishing this web log(blog!). I have been coming under a bit more stress, as far as being able to manage my time well, and with all the doctors visits and physical therapy and counseling, etc., everything's just beginning to get a bit out of hand lately.

I was having a bit of trouble finding the creative energies to put this thing out, so, I figured maybe I just needed to take a few days away from this and try to focus a bit more on my medical situation right now. Not to worry though, I'll only be taking a short breather and then I'll be picking up right where I left off. The cool thing about this decision is that, since you probably haven't even found this thing yet, when I come back on with new posts in a week or so, it'll probably be impossible to tell that there was even an interruption at all since the only indicator will be the date at the top of the pages.

Anyway, for future reference, when you actually do find this web log(blog!), I just wanted to let you know why there is a larger than usual space between this post and the next. I hope to have some serious time for this in the future and to be able to post every day, yeah, that would be a really killer plan. The posts would probably be a little shorter if I do it that way but I think it would be pretty cool if I could, say, get up and post a morning portion, and wish you a great day, and then finish it each night with a brief synopsis of how the day went or something. I'm still thinking about that video posting idea I had and, before very long, I will at least be integrating sound bytes into the posts, so that should be somewhat nifty, at least.

Well beautiful one, I guess I'm going to be getting to my next appointment now, so I will be thinking about ya and there will be new posts coming up within the next week at the most. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART SKY !!! Please take good care of yourself and look out for the ones you love sweetie. I know you've probably heard this plenty of times by now, assuming that you've read this from the beginning, but, I think I'll retain the ability to say when you've had enough of this one, soooo...... Please be sure that you treat people the way that you yourself would prefer to be treated by other people, and, please, for the love of all that is sacred(whoa), please make sure that you are conscious of the choices that you make, and be sure that you make choices that involve what you would know to be the right thing for you to do. Thank you Skylar, because this truly does totally matter. I'll post again soon and I'll be hoping and praying that, some time very soon, some sort of contact with you will finally be achieved. I love you Sky.......

Most Truly and Forever Yours, You're Forever E.G.F.