Friday, September 16, 2005

Hi Sweetheart, Back To Posting.....and still missing you...

Hi Skylar, I've been missing the opportunity to write in these posts lately and I'm certainly glad to be back. I hope everything is going well for you in school these days and you should definitely be starting to become better acclimated to things around there by now, I'm sure that should be a welcomed adjustment for you. Wow, that was a pretty big break I took there, and yet, it doesn't seem to have accomplished all that much of anything at all. I don't know exactly what my major problem has been the last few weeks or so, I guess I may have just managed to allow my situation to get to me a bit too much. Anyway, it is good to get reconnected to the only thing remotely close to speaking to you that I have as an outlet these days. I'm always cheered by the thought that someday you may read the heartfelt words that I type into this thing. Then it will be like my thoughts are going from my heart, to your heart. That's a good and soothing thought and beneficial for my overall emotional well being.

I was walking to this place to publish this today and I encountered no less than three separate individuals along the way that sprang forth some sort of vile indignancy at me, and all totally unsolicited by me. I have to tell you, quite honestly, Sky, I really don't buy in to any of this "end times" boloney or any of that apocalyptic nonsense about the biblical Armageddon heading our way. The only way that will ever happen is if it's in the form of some self fulfilling prophecy perpetuated by the ones who choose to believe it yet do nothing to try to help the situation in a tangible way. That said, I do believe that there is definitely something seriously amiss in present day society, and maybe even with the potential to be fatal to our existence, unless we do something about it. What is up with people nowadays? Can it be so easily forgotten that we need each other to get by in this world? Could it all possibly end in a giant screaming cacophony of self lusting "Me, Me, Me's"? I hope not.

Sky, there are so many advertisements and commercial media influences out there that are encouraging a sense of the "it's all about Me" mentality as a good, and even necessary state of mind these days that it sometimes really worries me that you might get caught up in the shear impressionable force of this whole thing. Honey, it's important to me to know that you are well enough adjusted, within yourself, to naturally realize the importance of community in our world and to stay aware of the fact that we are all connected in this massive web of life that we live within. I am of most sincere hopes that you have, by now in your life, become aware of the importance and, indeed, true joy of an honest spirit of sharing and cooperation in your day to day social activities and other personal endeavors while in this world. I wish, without revocation, for you to carry within your heart the wisdom of honest, altruistic social interaction, and a benevolent disposition toward life. The importance of these elements to the very quality and to the attributional and character building essence of good in your life can not be overstated.

Surely, by now you must know that when I speak to you in this way, that there is a particular sense of seriousness to my tone and that these words are especially close and important to my heart. That certainly yields true in this case. My dear daughter, you must love others as you would love yourself and you must find and connect to your innate ability to put others before yourself in order for this planet to survive in any durable state of peace or human harmony. This wisdom comes boldly precluding to, and stands intrepidly, in full light of any and all mainstream cultural or retail corporate marketing claims intent upon impressing you with false thoughts to the opposite of this truth. I hold confidence in your ability to understand and integrate this into yourself and exercise these thoughts until such time as they become working knowledge within you, and until you feel the natural confidence these wisdoms will inspire. You are building you, my dear, at best I can only assist you on that journey. It is within this spirit that I offer you this advice, and with great love, as your father.

Well darling, I don't want to make these too long and as I have a good deal of stuff to get done today, I believe perhaps I should close this one now and get busy on whatever it is that I'm gratefully putting off in order to publish this post. I'm not really for certain what I have to accomplish for today but I have a fairly large list that I have prepared to help me be a bit better organized and I'm almost afraid to even look at it, almost. Anyway, into the day I go, and I will be posting again within the next few days or so, God willing, of course. As I don't anticipate getting run over by any speeding buses or whatnot, I'll be looking forward to posting again real soon. :-)

Skylar, I can't tell you enough how hard it is for me to not know where you are or even that you're safe and doing alright. I pray on a daily basis that contact with you will finally be achieved, but as of yet, to no avail. I will keep trying to reach you for as long as it takes, and I carry you in my heart throughout every day and night. I hope that you will keep yourself occupied with positive and challenging things. I wish you only the best, as always, and may God bless you're every breath. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS. Please be sure to treat people right, you know, how you would prefer to be treated, and, always make sure that you are conscious of the choices that you make and be mindful of making choices that reflect your ability to know what's right. I love you and I miss you, my darling lovely girl. Je t'aime chèrement mon beau Ciel. Vous êtes ma légèreté et mon espoir.

Sincerely and Forever Yours, Your Forever E.G.F.