Friday, September 30, 2005

Feeling Your Way Through feeling your feelings....

Hi Sky, I hope you're having, or, well, had, a decent go at things today. Don't forget to use your brain now and again, ya wouldn't wanna end up acting all dopey and stuff. I LOVE YOU SKYLAR!!!!!! Excuse me, I'll try and keep those outbursts under control. Well, I went to the pain management center twice now and I've had two different types of epidural corti-steroid shots, and......nothin, nada, zilch :-( . Man, Bum-Mer, I don't know why these things didn't work either, although I think they might be making me feel a little sick, but I'm monitoring that situation. The first shot was in the middle of my lower lumber spine, that's several inches above your tailbone, and the second shot was in nearly the same location, but, they went in from both sides instead of straight in, which required two injection points, yowee. I don't know what I'm gonna do if the next one is a flop too, I guess I'll just have to go on with the pain, life's not going to stop for that. Anyway, that's where I'm at with the medical stuff, so far, now let's get back to you.

Have you been keeping your mind stimulated with positive and constructive things? Reeeeeally, have you? Tell the truth now. Ya know, you really should try and keep your mind busy with positive stuff, honey, 'cause it's great for you, and it'll keep you on track and out of trouble, you know, trouble, that bad thing that fills your life with heinous grief and a morose sense of malcontent. Yeah, that trouble. I'm sure you don't want a heaping dose of that, do you? That's a rhetorical question by the way, of course you don't want a giant dose of nastiness, I realize that, I'm just saying, well, you know what I'm saying, can you feel me on that? I'm sure you can feel what I'm gettin at. Hey wait, that (feeling), I believe, could probably be a post topic on it's own. Hey, as a matter of fact, since I don't really have a primary topic pre-chosen for this post, I think I'll try and elaborate on feeling, in the functional internal sense. Yes, so it's instantly decided.

Today's post will talk about the process of feeling, and the importance and usefulness of coming into touch with our innate ability to be internally sensitive to the external stimuli around us, and to naturally channel these feelings into a better sense of understanding things on a more honest and pure level, and thusly helping us to be better prepared to know what action to initiate and in determining the choices that we make. Yow, that seems a bit daunting, even to relatively fearless me. Oh well, nothin to it but to do it, so I guess we should probably get started.....

First of all, it's important to recognize that our ability to feel is incorporated into our daily lives every bit as much as breathing and all of our sensory abilities. In fact, it is through these sensory perceptions that we receive an abundance of the informational data that we use to determine how we are going to feel and what, if any, actions we will decide to take. Fortunately, most of this type of sensory processing is done on a somewhat automatic basis, deep within our subconscious mind, and we never even really realize that it's even happening,it's quite intuitive and second nature. I stress the word somewhat because I believe that we all, or at least most of us, are born with the innate ability to become much more in touch with this process and more involved in how we perceive, associate and connect with existing knowledge or perception, and react accordingly, to the stimuli that we process through our selves. This is commonly, and erroneously, referred to as intellectual thought, which in fact, is the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel. What we are talking about here is more like total sensory a very heightened state.

Before I proceed, it may be worth mentioning that perhaps the things I share with you in these posts are of a progressive nature and are best used as a collaboration of thoughts and information. Let me explain a bit further, darling. A perfect example would be this post that I am writing right now. This post is about feeling and your capacity to, and ability to, allow yourself to openly, freely, boldly, fearlessly feel. In order to be able to approach this concept in any honestly legitimate way, it will be necessary for you to incorporate several of the elements that I have attempted to describe to you in prior posts. For instance, first of all, it's going to take a respectable amount of courage to allow yourself to truly shed, even momentarily, all the protective layers like masks, emotional walls, and other defense mechanisms that we all either consciously or subconsciously hide behind in our day to day lives. It can seem very difficult, initially, but in order to be able to attain the desired level of totally neutral placidity and nakedness of ones Psyche that is best for being in an optimum state to freely channel the energy flow associated with your feelings, you'll need substantial amounts of honest courage, honesty and open mindedness, among other elements previously mentioned in this web log(blog!).

It is also worth reiterating that a significant portion of the statements I am using in a descriptive sense in this web log(blog!) are mostly or entirely subjective in nature. Now then, that's all the disclaimers I have, so, now that that is out of the way, let me attempt to zero in on what I'm trying to explain to you. I'll start with an example, ya know how, when you're doing something, and you get this feeling that what you're doing is wrong (of course you don't, right?), well, that sense of feeling is the general area I'm trying to bring in to light here. Many refer to this as the human conscience, but I'm saying to you now, that there is a much more profound ability, innate to all of us, that is more than just the sense of right or wrong or egomatic dictates of conscience. I'm saying that if you can allow yourself to attain the fully vulnerable state required to become sensitive enough and can train yourself to heighten your own level of awareness, it is possible to increase your sensitivity levels, and, integrate with your natural intuitive abilities to achieve a superior state of extra sensory perceptiveness.

I can imagine how sci-fi this all probably sounds to you, but I assure you that while I may have a bit of difficulty articulating it properly for explanation purposes, there is a valid and usefull point in there as well. My challenge is just to bring it out in a way that is understandable to you and that will allow you to utilize the info I'm attempted to explain. Let me try some more with this example. Once, many years back, I was vacuuming at my house down in Florida when I started getting this feeling that something bad had happened, and it was family related, but I didn't know who or what at the moment. I decided to call my mom up in Illinois(Ill-Annoy) and when I did she proceded to inform me that my grandmother had had a heart attack very recently and she hadn't had a chance to call me yet to let me know.

At around the same time frame, my brother, way out on the west coast, was also having some bad feelings, although his were a little more specific in nature. My mom sounded a little stunned when I called her and said "Is everything alright? I've been having some bad feelings, like something happened to someone". She told me that when she called my Brother, moments ago, that when he answered, he said "it's Grandma, isn't it, did she die?" and my mom hadn't even said a word yet. I know, weird huh? The craziest part of all this is that nobody had any reason to believe that anything should even be wrong with our Grandmother and we hadn't any kind of warning that this was is any way likely or expected to occur. So how'd we both seem to get some freaky vibes at the same time and know to various degrees that something had happened to one of our family? The short answer? I honestly don't know. I will try to return to that later,
IMPORTANT NOTICE ---- THIS POST IS NOT YET COMPLETE AND, HENCE, IS A CONTINUING WORK IN PROGRESS. THIS STATUS WILL BE IN EFFECT UNTIL THIS NOTICE IS NO LONGER POSTED. THANKYOU. (Sorry Sky, I will get this one completed just as soon as possible, honey!! I just had it so horribly backlogged that I didn't want to leave it as a draft any longer. Cool topic though, don't ya think? Love You, Me.)