Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Coming Soon .......A Whole New Look........

Hi Sky, I've been battling with this medical thing and the ridiculous stuff they give you to take for pain is just unbelievable. I have been writing some stuff in my notebook though, so when I do the new update to the blog I will have some more posts to put on too. I hope that everything is working out for you out there in "where-in-the-world-are-you-ville", I miss you very badly Skylar and I really wish that you were here with me, or at the very least, somewhere really close by so I could at least communicate with you, and so maybe we could get to know each other better and hang out sometimes, if you wanted too. Perhaps I'm just dreaming, but darn it, that's fair for me to do, and besides, that shouldn't even have to be a fathers dream, to see his child. I mean, that should be an assurance, In my humbled opinion. I'm totally for real on that one, it's cruel and wrong the way things are goin'. And I'm beyond bummed out about it too. This has been completely bogus on my side from the beginning, and I'm not the only one who knows it, either.

Anyway sweetheart, I didn't get on here to rant and rave about civil injustice, that will only make me feel all upset and crank the 'ole pain factor up a few notches, and I definitely don't wanna go lookin for that. So I suspect since I've gotten myself all worked up over this I should get on to a more tolerable subject instead, like school. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to begin classes yet but I'm looking forward to that, if perhaps a bit impatiently. You on the other hand, must be well into the high school experience by now and I hope that you are finding positive ways to adapt to your new environment and that you're honestly attempting to learn new things. I love you very much Sky, and I want you to always remember that. I know that there are things, some really serious things, that we have to talk about, but If you just got to know me the slightest bit I know that you would be able to see how true that is, and you could also get to see what kind of a person I trulyam, in person, for your own cognition.

I love you now, and I have always loved you, darling, even before you were conceived, and before I knew that you would be beautiful and your name would be Skylar. I just want you to know that what I'm saying to you is truthful and totally real. Anything I ever say to you will be from the truest place in my heart, or you'll for sure know that I'm kiddin' around 'cause I'll generally try and make it obvious when I am. Well sweetie, I didn't intend to be going this long on this post, but I just wanted to let you know that I definitely haven't forgotten about you (and NEVER will), and that not only is this web log(blog!) still going strong, but it's also in the works for a complete makeover that will have it looking even better than before! We're going to blue! Whoohoo!!(see, kidding, obvious, right?) Anyway Sky, I just wanted to let you know these things and to say how much I've been thinking about you and how much I'm missing you on a daily basis. I guess you could call this unfair extraodinaire, for some folks anyway. Oh, also, I was thinking that it's been a long time since I've reminded you about this, so I thought I'd better say this too.......

Please make sure that you treat people how you would prefer to be treated, and don't let anybody treat you like doodoo, in others words, you should demand a fair amount of respect in how others treat you, commensurate with the respect that you show to others. You see, the "golden rule" should work both ways, and although you're only responsible for your half, it's nice when the effort is reciprocated. And....please, always remember to be conscious of the choices that you make and be sure that you do what you intuitively know to be the right thing to do. Ok, thanks Sky. Gosh, I miss you so much darling, I just wish that I could even say hello, or ask you how your feeling and actually listen to a reply. I'll hold these dreams forever until they may become my grandest realization. I pray, with all my heart, that this can and will someday become my reality. God bless you my lovely daughter, and may peace and love surround you my beautiful beautiful girl.

With All My Love, And Forever
Your Forever E.G.F.