Wednesday, November 09, 2005

And Now...ANOTHER Whole New and improved again...

This post is intended exclusively for the eyes of Skylar Wheatley, so if you are not Skylar Wheatley, but you know Skylar Wheatley, then please go get Skylar and tell her to come and look at this just as soon as you possibly, and safely can. Thank you, and my heart pours out to you. May great things come into your life and may a thousand of your fondest dreams come true. You've just helped feed a starving man's heart. Many kudos from me, and someday from my daughter, Skylar Wheatley, as well. May peace and love surround you. With greatest sincerity, Jaime David Casinova(Skylar's Besieged and Loving Father)

Hi Sky, I originally wasn't going to post today, but since I have made some pretty cool changes to your blog, I thought it would be appropriate if I squeezed a few lines in before I have to be at a previously scheduled appointment. I am really proud to say, your web log(blog!) has now been totally re-styled, again, and now reflects much better the natural mood and intent of the original idea behind it in the first place. Now the theme is more than just color, and there is a picture of a lighthouse that, I thought, was pretty much perfect for the content on this blog. The lighthouse very well corresponds with the intent of searching for something, in this case, you Sky(where in the world are you honey?). Also, it's great as a representation of a beacon, to let someone know where you are, which of course in this case would be Me, letting You, know that I am out here, drowning in a giant disparaging sea of "whatintheworldisgoingonaroundhereness". Yeah, I had to invent a whole new word for that one. That's just way rough, ya know? fo'shizzle.

So anyway, sweetheart, I'm not going to be making this post very long at all as I have to get rolling very soon in order to accommodate my schedule, but, I was eager to share with you about the new updates to your blog site, and also to make sure that I remind you of a few things while I'm here. First of all, I Love You Skylar, and I miss you now more than ever. On a secondary note, I wanted to take the opportunity to keep it in your brain how important and simple it is for you to maintain an adequate level of physical and mental exercise, on a consistent and daily basis. Please remember to give yourself the proper exercise for your mind and your body, as this will greatly improve your ability to operate throughout your day, not to mention, help you to sleep better, and more soundly, during the night. I only tell you these things because I care about you sweetie and it's really just a matter of integrating this mindset into your life. Believe me darling one, you will be much the better for it, and you just might find it way easier to deal as a result, with whatever comes your way in life.

Well sweetheart, as I said earlier in this post, I'm not going to be able to write very much today, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to include the usual array of personal advice and are a couple of things, in particular, that I know to be in your personal best of interests. First of all, you know you have to treat other people right, right? It's called the "golden rule" Sky, and just to make sure you remember how that goes, it is...Do unto others as you would have others to do unto version goes..Always be sure that you treat people with the courtesy and respect that you would prefer to be treated with yourself. Yeah, that's a Standard Operating Procedure(S.O.P.) type of thing right there, at least it should be for you. Useful through the entirety of your life, and recognized by self respecting people the whole world over. It's just a totally good thing to know, and to practice, in your life.

The one other thing that I would most want to tell you , since my time right now is so limited, is..well, besides the fact that I Love You Very Very that when you make your choices thoughout the day, and you will make a number of personal choices my love, every day, it is extremely important that you actively monitor and coordinate the choices that you make. You see darling, the reason that I deem this as being of so much importance, is because, of all the possible ways that your life, hope, and dreams can get derailed (and become seriously hard to regain and enjoy), the standout easiest and most typical way is by you yourself making a choice in your life that is not well thought out, and that is not the best thing, and what you know is the right thing, to do. And that could lead to enduring pain, in hindsight. So take it easy baby girl, think about what you're going to do, before you do it, ok? Coolness, thanks.

Throughout the whole of history, my love, the number one derailleur of any human beings thoughts, dreams, and intentions, has always been ourselves. That is why, my beautiful young lady, I continue to expound upon the totally life integral importance, of being(and staying) conscious of the choices that we are about to make, and of using a little prudence(foresight), and our innate ability to reliably discern what's right from what is wrong. This is very important in order to make certain that we do not unintentionally fling ourselves into unnecessary toil and termoil, by inadvertently making some totally, ridiculously unwise choice. We all have to work at learning how to behave in a manner that will not cause us long term detriment or harm. That said, you're only human, sweetheart, everybody makes mistakes sometimes. Nobody's perfect babe. Nobody.

Making poor or uneducated/unthoughtout choices in your life can seriously come back to bite you, and sometimes the damage that you cause by bad choices in your life, may be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to undo or reverse. It is with an overabundant working knowledge of this reality, that I continually implore you to always make sure that you remain conscious of the choices that you make, and always make sure that you actively choose to do what you know to be the absolute best and most righteous thing for you to do. Integrate this into your very core self, without restraint, my love, and learn to exercise this in your life from day to day. I assure you it will always serve you well, and present itself as some most sound advice, in concern for the quality of your life, and the freedom you are able to enjoy within it.

I love you deeply and as true as could ever be, my lovely daughter. I will continue to pray that the day will soon come that any sort of contact with you is finally, and gratefully, achieved. God bless you and keep you, my dear, and may peace and love surround you. Make sure you take care of the loved ones that you do have around you, they're the most valuable commodity you have. Take care and fly right, Sky, and you know what I mean by that. I miss you way too much baby, it's hurting my feelings beyond belief. Keep your chin up though, I know that good things are on the way for you. I will be posting a fairly large post here within the next several days.

Sincerely and with All my heart,
Your Loving And Grieving Father