Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving !!! I Love You Skylar Wheatley !!!!

Hi Sweetheart, I hope you are reading this post in good health and in good spirits my love. As long as you take the trouble to implement a consistent daily exercise regimen into your life, you should be able to sustain these levels of "form and function" with nary more than a second thought. I love you my beautiful daughter, and I only want the best for you darling. It's mostly up to you baby, to make Skylar Wheatley the greatest, healthiest, most personally powerful young woman you can be.

You should be happy in that and be grateful that you even have such an opportunity, to be alive, and to excel in this world of ours. You should say to yourself every morning, Sky....What are you going to do with today? It would be beneficial if you made an effort to fill it with something positive and constructive. Please try, be not afraid to see what you are capable of and you may be surprised by what you can accomplish with just a sound mind and a strong will to do good. Believe in yourself enough and any goal of any magnitude can be achieved. Man has never ceased to be amazed at his accomplishments, and as a strong believer in the living reality of good old fashioned girl power, I can assure you this reality is in no way gender exclusive.

While we all are subject to our human limitations, nobody truly knows how far any individual person can go, Sky, especially if they have the passion, the dream that makes them presevere in the face of obstacles. Don't let the naysayers steal your dreams Skylar, you have what it takes inside you to make your vision come true, you just have to strive for it and never be willing to give up. What ever it is you aspire to accomplish, you have the power to bring that dream into the light and sieze it for your own. Even if your dream is of collossal proportion, just break it down, take it in little steps, and it too can become a reality for you.

I only wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you are well and have a positive and memorable time on this day, as all days, except this is a little bit special just 'cause it's a holiday and all. As for me, I think I will be dedicating my time to a local nonprofit organization as I have tried that in the past, and it seemed to have really helped fill the void that's left when you are not able to be with family and the ones you love. This seems to be one of those years where I'm not going to be able to join the ones closest to me, and so I would rather do something useful with my time than just sit around and sulk about missing all my people, mostly you.

In other words, it really makes me feel good inside, and it just feels right to spend my time constructively and to be able to help serve the homeless and to share an open and caring heart with them. Compassion is meant to be shared Sky, and used, for the betterment of all. I can not express the importance of this enough. I know you have it in your heart to understand. Plus, it pays mucho grande in the 'ole personal gratification department as well, that's for sure. It's good to stay good in your heart, and it's even better to have a chance to show it. Maybe you will get a chance to help someone out today. If so, maybe you should take advantage of that opportunity and see how it makes you feel, on the inside.

I love you very much Skylar, and I very deeply wish that I was able to spend this holiday around you my dear. I always wish that you were with me or around me, and it has always been that way Sky, and it will always be that way too, always, even after I'm not on this Earth any more, forever. I wish you only the best sweetheart, and I really wish that you were here, right now, so I could hug you so tight. Whoa, I have to quit talking like that, it makes me feel sick from anguish. It brings the vision of having you here with me much too close in my mind and it makes me want to just break down and cry.

Well, I have to go babe, I hope and pray that you're doing OK. Hold your chin up Skylar, and try and keep a smile on that beautiful face baby, because you have a lot of good things to look forward to in your life. Sky, I hope that you'll remember always to treat people with the dignity and respect that you would prefer to be treated with. Make sure that you keep a conscious eye on maintaining a positive outlook sweetheart and make a habit out of never saying can't. Keep those negative pictures out of your brain, it makes a bad movie (in your mindscape). I will be posting here again very soon. I Love You Totally and Without Revocation, Skylar !!! I Miss You Sweetie!! God Bless You Skylar Wheatley, My Beloved And Beautiful Daughter!!!!

Always and Forever,
Your Forever E.G.F. with the ever loving G.F.E.