Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year !!! Skylar Wheatley, My Lovely Daughter, I Love You SO Much!!

Hello, my love, and so it is that we have come to the end of another illustrious year. A year of joys, and of tears, and with regret beyond my ability to fully express, another year spent denied, and seperated from my one and only, pride and joy, beautiful, lovely daughter. That part is by far the most difficult of all the trials and hardships I've been faced with throughout the past year, and for the record, for many years before that too. Things have been way beyond tough for me, for quite some time now, and I can only imagine(although I hope Not), for you too.

I'm extremely happy to be able to honestly tell you, Sky, that things are finally beginning to show some strong promise of making some tangible, useful improvement in my life, and, I strongly hope, eventually in yours as well. There's a lot of neat stuff to tell about, but do to time constaints on my computer access today, I will save them for the next time I post. That way I can be sure that I'm able to forward my holiday wishes in the way that I intended, before they cut me off and close the doors for the New Year weekend.

I don't currently have computer access at my home, so I'm afraid this message is going to have to be pretty short, for now, because, as I was the only place I could find to gain access to a computer on New Year's Eve is about to close for the holiday weekend. I just had to get in here and, at least, wish you a Happy New Year sweetheart, and let you know that I wish, hope, and pray for you, Miss Skylar Wheatley, the absolute best, and most fulfilling and positive year so far in your life, in the coming year, AND, God willing, may you find wisdom, growth, and personal satisfaction, in all that you endeaver to accomplish, Skylar, and may whatever you may set your sights on, be achieved beyond your wildest dreams, my beautiful beautiful daughter.

This is my most solemn, and earnest New Year wish for you, my darling, and also, may you find honest happiness from the wisdoms gained from whatever you endeavor toward, or are otherwise faced with throughout the coming year, and beyond. All my fondest love to you, my lovely daughter........ Happy New Year Skylar L'nea Wheatley.

I love you, and miss you dearly, my love, probably more than you'll ever be able to know, Sky, and I continue to pray daily that I will somehow be graced with a postcard, an email, or any sort of contact from you, in the closest possible second, to now. Please be well, and contact me when ever you get knowledge of this web log and are ready to say, hi, or anything you feel like saying, sweetheart. Just be honest Sky, that's the most important part, and then we can go from there. Just know in your heart, Skylar, that not only do I truly want to hear from you, but in fact, nothing in the entire world could possibly make me any happier. This I swear to you my daughter, in total honesty, on my very heart.

I love you with ALL of my heart Skylar, and I always will wish for you nothing but the absolute best, and I think that probably goes with out saying by now, but I just wanted to say it anyway. I love you, Sky, and I miss you beyond description, sweetheart, and I hope that you are doing well in your heart, and your mind (keep it active!), and deep in your soul, as well.

I have to go now, my lovely girl, they are closing all the computers down for the weekend. You make sure to be good to others , honey, and treat them like you would prefer to be treated, and always remember to be conscious of the choices that you make and be sure that you are making the best choice for you and that you are sure you are doing what you know to be the right thing to do. I love you very much Sky(MYSKY), have a safe and enjoyable New Year sweetie, and I'll post again here real soon. Don't forget to take care of the one's you love, baby, for they are, indeed, the most important thing you'll ever truly have. God Bless and bye for now.

All of my heart is yours,
Your Eternally Grateful Father