Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas My Beautiful Lovely Daughter !!!! I Love You Skylar Wheatley !!!!

Hi sweetheart, I love you and I hope things have been going really well for you lately. As for me, I have truly been continuously blessed for the last two weeks in a row. First I get to go to college, then I got an opportunity to get some housing for a whole year, and then I was blessed through a lady that runs a program called the "Gift of Sight" and they're going to get me some glasses to wear (my vision is diminishing).

Whew, it's been a really serious upshot for me these past couple of weeks. I'm very relieved by a lot of the things that have recentley transpired in my life, but...........there's still no you though, that's make it a bit harder to celebrate the good things. I miss you really bad Skylar. It really hurts me, honey, deep in my heart. Sky, I miss you, and I love you.

I wanted to be able to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Winter Solstice in person this year but, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is any posibility of that happening, this year anyway. I'm sorry that we can't be together this holiday season, I totally wish we could. I'll be making preparations for the future, starting right away, so if you ever want to be with me on Christmas, all you'll have to do is let me know.

It's just not the same when I know you're out there, somewhere, and I can't even call you to let you know how much I care, or to say that I love you and wish you a Merry Christmas. I do love you Skylar, very much so, and darling, I hope you have the greatest, warmest, and happiest Christmas you've ever had, and I hope you will be able to find some sense of peace and hope deep within your own loving heart.

I Love You and miss you more than lots, sweetheart. Have yourself a beautiful holiday season my dear beautiful daughter...... and may all your fondest dreams come true. I'll talk to ya soon baby, take care of yourself, and remember to always be conscious of doing the right thing. I love you with all my heart, Merry Christmas Skylar Wheatley, and have a lovely New Year. Peace Be With You...

All My Love,
Your "Merry"( Ho Ho Ho!) Loving Father w/the G.F.E.