Monday, January 09, 2006

Skylar Wheatley, It's All About Taking That FIRST Step, Sky!!!

Hey sweetheart, I hope your day is going well. I want to tell you how much I love you and have it be original, fresh, and new, but since I say that 1000 times an hour, I suppose that that's something that has a tendency to get overused. Please don't let it get that way with me, Sky. In MY heart, it's ALWAYS as real, and new, and genuine, as it was the very first time I told you, which was way back when you were about a foot and a half long!! Anyway, I mean it EVERY SINGLE TIME, and with it being Me, and with the way this situation is so messed up, I think that it would be great if you could cut me a little slack in that area. As God see's my heart, you are a forever, and foremost, love of my life. And I'm happy that you always will be.

Ok, anyway, so how are things going for you, sweetheart? Are you getting to where you are a bit more acclimated to your school environment now? I hope you can find the courage, deep within yourself, to continue on in your education, with a growing sense of confidence, and a zeal for the quest of discovery. I know for certain that, if you were with me right now, we would work through these situations together, Sky. And I would be willing to stick with you on this until you were able to gain a true sense of the value of your opportunity to learn new things, and until you were able to begin to grow into a lasting sense of confidence about who you are, and what you are capable of doing, to a positive end.

I certainly hope that you are receiving this kind of "one-on-one" attention, and interactiveness, without me being there. You absolutely deserve nothing less, my love, and I am 100% positive that you are completely worthy of this level of personal attention, so there is no excuse, and it is ENTIRELY unacceptable, if you are not. Part of the reason I was always so excited about having a baby girl(YOU, Sky!) in the first place, was to have the opportunity, and challenge, to walk with her through the difficult momments and to help her to grow into a positive, productive, and self confident person, as she increased in age to a well rounded, intelligent, compassionate adult.

Although I realize that life is not exactly a "cut and dry" experience, and that sometimes from the middle of the growing pains of life, that it's sorta difficult to clearly see the progress you're making, hopefully you are currently experiencing nothing less than this level of care and attention in your life, Sky. You truly and TOTALLY deserve nothing less than that. One of my biggest fears and concerns with not being invited or allowed into your life right now, is that for some unqualified reason (and NOTHING qualifies, mind you), you are not getting the attention and tender loving care and mental/emotional support that you need, and deserve to have.

If there is any one thing I know, with absolute sureness, it is that you are a beautiful, priceless blessing to my (Our) life, and that you merit the kind of personal attention, and concern that is necessary in order for you to be able to evolve, and grow into a secure and mentally/emotionally healthy woman. God knows, we already have far beyond our fair share of grown women in this world, that find their selves riddled with psycho/emotional problems and some sort of trainwreck mental catastrophe from their pasts that they are now forced to endure, and work through, before they can be afforded the basic ability to even get on with living a normal productive life for themselves.

I found you in deplorable conditions, and practically unattended, one time, darling, and shortly after my protesting of that situation, you were wisked unknowingly out of state, and what would eventually amount to, out of my life, nearly completely. I feel as though I let you down on that day, my dear daughter, and only for the fear of losing the grace of having you in my life. Now, in retrospect to that moment, I can see, quite clearly, the error of my decisions within that moment, and I wish aloud to God, in my vanity, that I could just, somehow, live that day over again, and make the crucial choices that I felt were so threatening to our connectedness at that time. I will suffer the resulting consequence of my inaction on that day, for the total remaining days of my life. In retrospect, I have never made a worse decision in the whole of my life.

If you are presently not recieving the level of care and involvement that you require, and deserve, in your life, then, my daughter, I regretfully confess to you that the greatest responsibility for this completely unfair misgiving, and hardship, is to be placed no where else except firmly, and squarely upon my shoulders. To even think of the possibility that you are receiving anything less than the upstandard care and attention that you deserve, require, and that I am positive that I could give you, well then, there will surely be hell to pay for that one, and this time, the culpability has been largely stolen from me and placed directly on the shoulders of the ones currently in charge of your guardianship and developmental care.

Know this, without revocation, Sky, that while life's circumstances can sometimes throw us some richly undeserved curveballs at times, you will always have the ability to retain and utilize the personal power to rise above whatever situations or problems that plague you, and you can make yourself a better life for yourself, and make yourself into a better person along the way. These words stand solid and true, my love. Take them and realize their truth, and the opportunity, reassurance, and freedoms that they promise to you.

I love you dearly Skylar, and I want you to always know, without any doubt, that I will be here for you, if, and when, you ever decide that you need me, my emotional support, or guidance through anything, and at anytime in your life. You can do anything you truly put your mind to, Skylar, you just have to be willing to do the work, and most importantly of all, take that first important step. Just always try your best, and that takes a certain willingness and acceptance of your weaknesses and personal faults. Remember, like Eleanor Roosevelt, the former First Lady of the United States once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Remember that one Sky, it's an important wisdom to keep in mind. I have to go for now, sweetie. I will miss you even more until I'm writing in this web log again.

Before I go, sweetheart, here's another quote that you might find useful and reassuring, and maybe find some insiration in - "In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open, except yourself." J. Krishnamurti

Please be responsible in your ever growing maturity Skylar, and be sure to always treat others at least as well as you would prefer to be treated yourself. And as I always make sure to remind you, darling, please.....always make sure that you are conscious of the choices that you make, and for your own good and the common welfare of others, make sure that you do the right thing. I Love you, sweetheart, and I will post again here soon. May peace surround you and keep you in its fold. Vous êtes ma légèreté et mon espoir. Soyez bon ma belle fille. Je t'aime chèrement Skylar.

With Utmost Love and Sincerity,
Your FOREVER Loving Father (That is missing you to death)