Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Skylar, I Did It !! I'm In COLLEGE !!! Now It's Time To Start Making Some PERMANENT Improvements In My Life !!!!

Hi Sky, I hope you are having a good time, so far, with your high school career. It always sounds alot easier than it is, to try and get a sound education, but, if there ever was anything that I could totally assure you of, it would be that getting a sound and well rounded education is definitely among the greatest idea's you could ever come up with, and definitley worth the effort involved in getting there. Whew, I'm here at school right now, writing these words to you, right before I start my first ever college class, and christen my new college career, thus beginning the path to a much better life for myself, and you too someday, I pray. Skylar, this is SO amazingly exciting, sweetheart!!!

I don't know WHAT I would do if I didn't have any opportunities like this, to help to make a livable life for myself. Thank God that I'm able to even BE in school right now, and that, someday, I'm sure, He's gonna bring you home to me, and finally grace my life with your long missed, and much desired, presence in my life. I know that things aren't easy when you're trying to assimilate new tasks and subject matter, but, If you...wait a sec...if WE, can just hold on, and keep the faith, while realizing the dramatic amount of improvement our lives will enjoy through gaining a decent education, I feel confident that, before long, we will be able to look back on these days, and be glad that we went through the struggles, and put out the effort, that's necessary to obtain a solid education for ourselves.

Well sweetie, I have to get off to MY FIRST CLASS!! I just wanted to steal away a few seconds to let you know what I'm up to these days, and to just generally keep in touch. I Love You Sky, please know that as the whole fact as pertaining to the light in which I hold my personal regard for you. I am trying to find a way to gain access to an attorney to help me out in this matter, and to, hopefully, make some headway on locating you and letting me know that you are truly, REALLY, doing alright. It is also very important to me that you have the ability to contact me at any time, about anything, and whenever you wish, and I hope I will be able to fully establish that ability for you(us) as well. That would certainly be the very least I could expect from an attorney.

Sky, please take a moment and read the closing paragraghs on a few of the posts that I've published prior to this one. It would greatly please me, and certainly benefit you to a high level as well, if you were to take heed to the requests that I make to you, repetitively(for a reason- i.e.- their extreme significance to your life), before closing each post. Always remember in your heart and mind, Sky, that I love and miss you, darling. Skylar, my absolute fondest dream is, always was, and will continue to be untill fulfilled, to have you in my life and by my side, baby, as the beautiful daughter that I relentlessly prayed for, and was, on one special day back in '91, eternally blessed beyond my wildest imaginations by, as you materialized into a real life living dream come true for me. I feel an unrelenting compulsion, to be as plainly honest with you as I can, and it's important to me for you to truly know, my love, how I honestly feel inside.

I Love You With Every Essence Of Positive Energy In My Heart, Skylar. That's simply and truly how I feel, and I just thought that these honest feelings might be held to some importance to you. That is why I share with you my true heart, my love. I thought you'd like to know. Take care of the family members that you have around you, Sky, as I cannot stress enough the true value of having those that you love around you, to depend on, and share in witness to your life. God bless you, Skylar Wheatley, and may you find peace and a lasting sense of lovingness through out your days and nights. I will post again here soon, my love. Keep the faith, Sky, and never surrender to negativity. We're going to make it to a better place, honey, the both of us. Adieu ma fille. Mon coeur est toujours à vous, mon beau ciel.

All Of My Heart Is Yours,
Your Forever Adoring Father (w/the G.F.E.)