Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Be True To Yourself And Good Things Will Come Your Way

Hi Sky, I wish you were here sweetie. I've been really busy with educating myself at college lately, and it appears that while this will be an incredible step up for my life, and I will be kept extremely busy with all the work involved with going to college fulltime, unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to take any of the hurt out of how much I'm missing you. Major Bummer. I was hoping that this college process might take a sort of "two birds with one stone" effect and help to alleviate some of the harshness of being away from you while I am bettering my life. NOT.

So anyway, Sky, how have you been? I realize you may have to think back to remember how you were when I wrote this, because you probably have not found this yet. I know this is obviously not the best way to communicate with someone, but you just have to reflect a little on the fact that I am writing this in real time, and you're getting it ...well...when ever you end up getting it. Hopefully that's by now, but if not then I pray that you will find this thing a.s.a.p. because I'd love to think that I'm actually talking to a live and actively thinking audience, know what I mean?

I hope that you have been able to assimilate your new high school experiences and have found some new and productive ways to make this a beneficial time for yourself. Ya know, although it probably feels alot like everybody's trying to tell you what to do all the time, this time is really a time for you, a time when you can build an integral foundation for yourself in preparation for the rest of your life, which of course, I would severely LOVE to be a part of(so keep that in mind too!). I just want, and hope for you to be able to realize the positive opportunities that your in the midst of right now, in the here & now, and that you'll be able to seize the chance to gain flight to a higher and better place in your life. I Love You Skylar, sooo very much.

I pray that you will stay safe from harmful things, and be lifted up by the winds of inspiration and swept into a heavenly direction. It is my fondest dream to see you do well in your life. At this point it's actually my fondest dream just to be able to see you, but I'll always wish you well, my love, regardless of the state of our relationship. It's my deepest concern that you will just have the courage to give new and positive things a try, and to engage life with a verve that shows your fathers genetic influence. It is also very important for you to approach all this with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that messing up and making mistakes is all just an integral part of the discovery and learning process.

I have great faith in you though Sky. It's that fatherly genetic influence. You have the goods to get things done, honorably, productively, and efficiently. You need only to find the way to connect with these abilities and integrate them into your life. Just never quit trying Sky, that's all that truly matters babe. Just keep the faith, and never give up. I'm certainly way far from knowing everything, but this is one thing that I know quite a bit about, and my knowledge in this area is backed up with some pretty remarkable experience.

Well sweetheart, I guess I should probably get a move on, being a college student puts some serious demands on your time. I hope that you can honestly reflect on some of the things I say to you in this web log, and that in time you may be able to find some of them useful in your own life as well. Please take time to tell the ones you love that you care alot about them, Sky. It's important that we share the way we feel about the people that are important to us while we have the living opportunity. We can never know how long we will be able to enjoy any individuals company and influence in our lives and if we are ever forced to suffer the loss of someone that we loved and/or respected, it could be a priceless gift to be able to know that this person was aware of how you honestly felt about them, just in case we might never be afforded the opportunity again. Love'em while ya got'em, in the living years.

I'm still dreaming of hearing from you and I hope you can somehow be drawn to just put you're name(or mine) into any major search engine and see what comes up. Someday I know this dream will come true and you will somehow come across this web log. Like I was saying, until then I guess I'll somehow just have to keep the faith and know that I'll make it through. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART SKYLAR and I hope to get some sort of contact from you real soon.

Take care of your loved ones that are around you and keep yourself well darling. And, as always, please be sure to treat others at least as good as you would prefer to be treated, and remember to always be conscious of doing the right thing and make choices that you can look back on and be glad you made. I know you probably know these things Sky, but I just want you to be alright and these things both will help you in a huge way, to be a better person, and to better enjoy your life.

Take care sweetheart, I LOVE YOU. And I pray that I will somehow see you soon. Adieu ma fille, vous êtes ma légèreté et mon espoir. Vous aurez mon coeur pour toujours. Je t'aime chèrement mon beau Ciel. Veuillez me contacter bientôt, mon amour. I miss you Skylar, really bad. May peace and love surround you my lovely daughter, and may God bless your every breath and keep you under his protection.

All My Love and FOREVER,
Your Eternally Grateful Father