Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year !!! Skylar Wheatley, My Lovely Daughter, I Love You SO Much!!

Hello, my love, and so it is that we have come to the end of another illustrious year. A year of joys, and of tears, and with regret beyond my ability to fully express, another year spent denied, and seperated from my one and only, pride and joy, beautiful, lovely daughter. That part is by far the most difficult of all the trials and hardships I've been faced with throughout the past year, and for the record, for many years before that too. Things have been way beyond tough for me, for quite some time now, and I can only imagine(although I hope Not), for you too.

I'm extremely happy to be able to honestly tell you, Sky, that things are finally beginning to show some strong promise of making some tangible, useful improvement in my life, and, I strongly hope, eventually in yours as well. There's a lot of neat stuff to tell about, but do to time constaints on my computer access today, I will save them for the next time I post. That way I can be sure that I'm able to forward my holiday wishes in the way that I intended, before they cut me off and close the doors for the New Year weekend.

I don't currently have computer access at my home, so I'm afraid this message is going to have to be pretty short, for now, because, as I was the only place I could find to gain access to a computer on New Year's Eve is about to close for the holiday weekend. I just had to get in here and, at least, wish you a Happy New Year sweetheart, and let you know that I wish, hope, and pray for you, Miss Skylar Wheatley, the absolute best, and most fulfilling and positive year so far in your life, in the coming year, AND, God willing, may you find wisdom, growth, and personal satisfaction, in all that you endeaver to accomplish, Skylar, and may whatever you may set your sights on, be achieved beyond your wildest dreams, my beautiful beautiful daughter.

This is my most solemn, and earnest New Year wish for you, my darling, and also, may you find honest happiness from the wisdoms gained from whatever you endeavor toward, or are otherwise faced with throughout the coming year, and beyond. All my fondest love to you, my lovely daughter........ Happy New Year Skylar L'nea Wheatley.

I love you, and miss you dearly, my love, probably more than you'll ever be able to know, Sky, and I continue to pray daily that I will somehow be graced with a postcard, an email, or any sort of contact from you, in the closest possible second, to now. Please be well, and contact me when ever you get knowledge of this web log and are ready to say, hi, or anything you feel like saying, sweetheart. Just be honest Sky, that's the most important part, and then we can go from there. Just know in your heart, Skylar, that not only do I truly want to hear from you, but in fact, nothing in the entire world could possibly make me any happier. This I swear to you my daughter, in total honesty, on my very heart.

I love you with ALL of my heart Skylar, and I always will wish for you nothing but the absolute best, and I think that probably goes with out saying by now, but I just wanted to say it anyway. I love you, Sky, and I miss you beyond description, sweetheart, and I hope that you are doing well in your heart, and your mind (keep it active!), and deep in your soul, as well.

I have to go now, my lovely girl, they are closing all the computers down for the weekend. You make sure to be good to others , honey, and treat them like you would prefer to be treated, and always remember to be conscious of the choices that you make and be sure that you are making the best choice for you and that you are sure you are doing what you know to be the right thing to do. I love you very much Sky(MYSKY), have a safe and enjoyable New Year sweetie, and I'll post again here real soon. Don't forget to take care of the one's you love, baby, for they are, indeed, the most important thing you'll ever truly have. God Bless and bye for now.

All of my heart is yours,
Your Eternally Grateful Father

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas My Beautiful Lovely Daughter !!!! I Love You Skylar Wheatley !!!!

Hi sweetheart, I love you and I hope things have been going really well for you lately. As for me, I have truly been continuously blessed for the last two weeks in a row. First I get to go to college, then I got an opportunity to get some housing for a whole year, and then I was blessed through a lady that runs a program called the "Gift of Sight" and they're going to get me some glasses to wear (my vision is diminishing).

Whew, it's been a really serious upshot for me these past couple of weeks. I'm very relieved by a lot of the things that have recentley transpired in my life, but...........there's still no you though, that's make it a bit harder to celebrate the good things. I miss you really bad Skylar. It really hurts me, honey, deep in my heart. Sky, I miss you, and I love you.

I wanted to be able to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Winter Solstice in person this year but, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is any posibility of that happening, this year anyway. I'm sorry that we can't be together this holiday season, I totally wish we could. I'll be making preparations for the future, starting right away, so if you ever want to be with me on Christmas, all you'll have to do is let me know.

It's just not the same when I know you're out there, somewhere, and I can't even call you to let you know how much I care, or to say that I love you and wish you a Merry Christmas. I do love you Skylar, very much so, and darling, I hope you have the greatest, warmest, and happiest Christmas you've ever had, and I hope you will be able to find some sense of peace and hope deep within your own loving heart.

I Love You and miss you more than lots, sweetheart. Have yourself a beautiful holiday season my dear beautiful daughter...... and may all your fondest dreams come true. I'll talk to ya soon baby, take care of yourself, and remember to always be conscious of doing the right thing. I love you with all my heart, Merry Christmas Skylar Wheatley, and have a lovely New Year. Peace Be With You...

All My Love,
Your "Merry"( Ho Ho Ho!) Loving Father w/the G.F.E.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Did It, Skylar Wheatley !!!! I'm Going To Schoooool !!!!!!

Hi Sweetheart, sorry I haven't been able to post quite as often as I'd like to, but, I've been sort of busy lately making preparations for some very positive changes in my life. I've been busy, Skylar Wheatley, getting I.D's and personal documents in order, trying to secure a new place to live, taking college placement tests, and oh yeah, I got enrolled in college !!! No lie, and I have a full course load too! I am now a full time student, and I'm really excited about attacking this challenge with all the vigor and positive commitment that I'm always telling you that you should have.

Needless to say, sweetheart, I am totally elated, and I can hardly wait to start my classes. With every second that passes, from here on, I will be another second closer to finding and getting in contact with you, and nothing, let me repeat that, NOTHING could ever make me any happier than that. I think I have my course load pretty well balanced out for now, except, If I've taken on too much all at once then I may end up dropping one class and taking it at a later time, but pretty much all is cool with that sitch for now. Hey, I'm really STOKED honey!!! I get to go to college !!! FINALLY !!!! Thank God above, for I have truly truly been blessed. WhooooHooooo !!

As for you, my dear, I hope that you are doing real well, and that you're applying yourself at school, and making the best of what you have to work with. Never stop being grateful Skylar, no matter what kind of hardship or struggles you may be experiencing. If you keep the faith alive, my love, then things will, at least, work out so that you can make it to a brighter day. Always remember to keep your chin up, and never surrender. It's up to all of us, as individuals, to make it worth the price we pay to have a life that's not filled with unnecessary gloom and overburdening hardship. I know this for sure Skylar Wheatley, if you ever get to here my whole story, you will understand just exactly what I'm talking about. And I can hardly wait till I get a chance to tell you all about it. Please contact me soon.

It has been a while since I've included my contact information so let me give you my addy again. Once again, I'm going to talk it out so my addy doesn't get picked up by any sweep programs and filled to the hilt with unwanted spam and junk that I don't need. You can contact me by writing to jcasinova and then the @ sign, and then gmail, and then a dot and then, of course, the com ending. Darling , if you ever feel, in any way compelled to, please know that nothing even conceivably imaginable could ever make me any happier than to hear from you, sweetheart. So please don't ever hesitate to write me, at any length, about anything you could ever want to say to me, cause I'll be here, missing you and dying to hear from you, and loving you with every ounce of love in my heart. I pray for that day to come quickly.

Well my beloved daughter, I need to go look for some housing and mostly to just grab something to eat, 'cause I am seriously HUNG-RAY. Fo'shizzle, feels like I'm about to starve to death!! Cheeseburgers to the rescue !!!!! I will be posting again soon, and will be thinking about you on a nearly hourly basis, until I get to finally hear from you. In the mean while, Sky, please be sure that you are always making your best honest effort to put your best foot forward, and to give your all to whatever situation you may be in. Please remember, Sky, that it is very important to make sure that you are constantly treating others with the courtesy and respect that you would prefer to be treated with. Your self respect is totally priceless Sky, so you should never be willing to sell that out, at any price. I assure you, you would definitely be the wiser and stronger as a person for realizing the truth that this holds.

I'm gonna go now sweetie, so you behave respectably and try and be sure that you challenge yourself with new, challenging and positive things. Skylar, I love you very much, darling girl, and I long painfully for a day when I could relay that to you in person, so that the truth may stand on its own. Be thoughtful when you make your choices sweetheart, and always make sure to remain conscious of the choices that you make, and make only those choices that you know, in your heart, to be the absolute best thing and right thing, to do. God bless your every breathe my beautiful daughter. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. I miss you so bad Sky, I hope that everything is alright and that you will find this web log soon and feel the desire to let me know that your out there, and that your really doing OK. Don't hesitate to contact if you want to. I'll be waiting, not so totally patiently, and I will post again here soon. Adieu ma fille, mon coeur est avec vous toujours. Je t'aime Skylar Wheatley! ! Je t'aime ma fille ! ! Soyez bien ! !

With All My Heart And Soul,
Your Eternally Grateful Father

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hi Skylar Wheatley, I Love You !!!! Yikes, It's Cooooooold out here without you !!!!

Hi Sky, I hope this finds you in good health and filled with reasonable vigor for attacking the day before you, miss Skylar Wheatley. Remember sweetheart, you control your limits, so let yourself soar to great heights of achievement and allow yourself the personal fulfillment awarded to those who do. I hope you are learning a lot of good things in high school. I realize that a great deal of our schools these days can leave you kinda wondering who's in charge of education nowadays, and how in the world they could let things get this far out of hand.

Maybe if we start naming the classes after bombs and missiles, then they would start to take on a higher priority to the ones that control these institutions. Hopefully your school is one of the better ones, I know that some of them are holding strong just by the will and determination of a few good faculty members. There are still some great teachers, and administrators, within this country, regardless of the state the system is presently in. Nevertheless, you should undoubtedly attempt to make the absolute best of what you do have to work with, sweetie. But, of course, I know that you probably already realize that, Sky.

I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and I certainly hope that you were able to spend it with those close to you and that you totally remembered to give thanks for all that you are blessed with. You know, regardless of what problems or deficits we seem doomed to suffer in this life, we always have a tremendous amount of things to be grateful for, and it certainly shouldn't take an organized national holiday to become aware of that, and to give thanks on a daily basis and be grateful for what we've got. Know what I mean? I'm sure you can grasp what I'm saying to you. You're surely more than sharp enough to figure it out, that's for sure.

Think about it Sky, some cliche's are catapulted beyond cliche and firmly into the realm of "sage wisdom" territory, and the "glass is half full" one is one of those that continually rings true in our lives, everyday, every second. You know the old adage I'm referring to, right? It talks about how you can view a half filled glass as half full, or half empty, and it really just depends on whether you decide to take a positive (optimistic) outlook toward things, or a negative (pessimistic) outlook toward things. I think, if you choose the positive take, that life can seem a whole lot more accessible to you, and a whole lot brighter too, in a general sense.

Whatever you choose to do in your life, and oh yes, please be sure that you realize, you do have many many choices that you can make, I hope that you will never forget that no matter what the circumstances or state of our present situation, I will always love you Skylar, most truly and with all of my heart, and that is unfluctuating and will never ever change. I swear this on my heart. Please know this as you face your every new morning, my lovely daughter, in your deepest heart of hearts. Within my heart, I know that you already do. I pray that God may bless you and be with you, in all that you may do, and in every millisecond of your life. Please allow, and encourage, this to happen.

I wish you were here with me Sky (MYSKY), I know that things would be much better if you were, because it's what's naturally supposed to be happening in the first place. This has only been disrupted by certain people, and wrongfully so. And, though tough to admit, this situation has also been greatly failed by me, heartbreakingly so, for me( and you?), but it's the truth of the matter nevertheless, and this is also very much wrong, on my part. Allowing this situation to become this way is unprecedented, and undeniable, in taking the title as the absolute greatest mistake of all my days on this planet. And the worst part is, at this point, darling, I have absolutely no idea how, or what, I could do to try and bring this all back to health and into the light of day, to a positive state of being. Oh woe is me.

I feel like one of those superheroes in the old cartoons, you know, like Superman or Aquaman and those type, that used to get stuck in overwhelming situations and then, just before it did them in, completely, they'd be like, "Mmmust ggget sssstronger, mmmmust nnnot llllet thisss deffffeat mmme", and then they'd get this burst of superstrength and overcome whatever situation was plaquing them. Righteously Cool. Except those were all cartoons and were easily manipulated by the artists that created them, so that they would do what ever the artist wanted them to do. In my situation, this is very much real life, and unfortunately, things just aren't quite that easy.

I just badly need to get stronger, to find some way to renew my strength, and mostly, to somehow find somebody that can, in any way, help me out of this incredible situation that I've gotten myself stuck in. I don't know where to go if you need serious legal help on a zero dollar budget. I guess that either there are no more of those pro-bono legal superhumans, or else for some reason, I just haven't had any luck in being able to find them. I wish that I could find them though, because I definitely have a few things that I'd really like to ask about. If there even are any viable options in how I can effectively deal with this situation, then I pray to God above that he will please just send some my way.

I have a lot of questions about this situation. The most prominent one, next to "Where in the world are you?", is, if I don't get to see you, know you, hear from you, or even know for sure if or where you presently exist, then how can I be expected to legally have any obligation to anything involving you? I mean, if I'm going to be totally excluded, and not afforded any rights or privileges, then how, and why, should I have to be held accountable in the first place? That seems obviously, and grossly one-sided, to me. And completely unfair to me, and to you.

It strikes me as somewhat odd that while the local medical community (God bless them all) will provide complete care for the most ugly of medical conditions, even if you do not have two pennies to rub together, yet for such a life crumbling, happiness disintegrating situation as this, there is simply no place to turn to for any substantial quality or quantity of help. I really don't know what to do in this situation, and as it is presently, I am getting really tired of people looking down on me like I'm some kind of criminal or something.

The punishment I suffer emotionally, on a day to day basis, should be enough for someone, anyone, to stop and say "Hey, wait a minute, something's really wrong here, these people need some help, and as quickly as possible". But that doesn't happen, and nobody tries to help. It's like they all just assume that this has all got to be all my fault, that I did all of this to myself, and that it's none of their concern. Meanwhile, I'm getting absolutely pummeled by the court system. They won't even let me know how to get in touch with you. No rights, absolutely no acknowledgement as being an important asset to your life, no real consideration at all, just pay, pay, pay....Or we're going to send you away to prison. Just lovely, way to go, people, that really helps a lot. Thanks?

Anyway, regardless of what people might think about me, or the way I've managed to handle this situation, or not handle it, for that matter, all of that is really pretty much completely irrelevant to what I need to accomplish, and the problems from which we are presently suffering. I certainly don't see too many people willing to offer some tangible, usable suggestions as to how I can dig my way out of this predicament, or anything that is actually coming from a positive realm of thought.

So it is in light of this observation, and experience, that I say.....phooey on all the judgers and downlookers, and fine then, let them go their own peaceful way, without me. On second thought, I honestly fear that they probably just "know not what they do" and if only they knew the real true story, the whole story, then maybe they would be more inclined to help me out here, and far less inclined to pass their judgment in such a negative light. People can be so topical and shallow sometimes.

This situation was/is, without any doubt, at least an equal part my responsibility, and the thorns that cut me today were surely born of trees that I myself have planted many years ago, so please do not ever confuse my anguish in the state of things, concerning my personal involvement in your life, as me laying claim to any sort of status as a victim in this matter. No darling, it just very much hurts to be separated from you in this way, and the mental/emotional pain is brutal, and inhibitive to my rising above this disastrous situation that I've become embroiled in.

I need to go to school and get retrained so that hopefully I can still become gainfully employable, and can pay away the government harassment that I've come to be so heavily scrutinized by at present. I know it's crazy, but the whole state of my ability to know you, influence you, and gain a meaningful relationship with you, is all based soley, and completely, on money. It just seems very eerie and macabre that the people that get to make all the decisions in this matter would let a separation of this great magnitude even occure in the first place. And now they want to punish me for it, severely. Whew, it's just too much to cope with, honey, and it's just too cruel for me to even fathom.

I don't know yet whether or not I will be allowed to complete it, as they are threatening a prison term, if you can believe that, but I have assigned myself to take a placement test at a local community college, and from there I will begin taking courses at the appropriate level. If I can get through school, and get a decent line to some strong income, then this whole situation can disappear forever. Unfortunately, the scars of missing your childhood years will haunt and torture me forever. Just punishment, perhaps, I don't know.....but I honestly, and totally, don't think so. Not in my opinion, not even close.

Well sweetheart, on a much more positive note, at least I have the proverbial ball rolling in the right direction anyway. I must admit, I'm really very excited about attending school and having the opportunity to better myself and my future, not to mention, the possibility of being able to contribute to your college education, so that you will be able to have some excellent opportunities in your life as well. I hope you will want to go to college, and better yourself, while you make yourself stronger as a person.

I love you very dearly, my lovely daughter, and I just want you to be able to honestly feel secure in that knowledge, and to carry that with you always, in your heart. You mean the world to me darling, and it is an unconscionable shame that you should ever have been separated from a compassionate, intelligent, and loving father like me, that loved and loves you so much, and that never wanted anything more than to have you in his life. I think, quite honestly, that I would make an excellent father, and, frankly, that your life would benefit greatly from having me as a major part of it. What's wrong with these people!!

And now somehow I am a criminal from this. You know honey, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it before, but, I don't drink alcohol, or use hard street drugs, ever. I also don't knowingly tell any lies, to anyone, and I would never steal from someone, or let someone get away with a crime while I'm a witness to it. Heck, I don't even use caffeine, and I stay away from too much sweets. I'm basically just an honest caring human being in my life. All in all, I feel like I am about as far from being a criminal as anyone could expect. Yet here I am, fighting for my life, and my daughter, and my very ability to even be free.

The biggest part of my life was supposed to be my witness and involvement in guiding and interacting with you in your childhood, while I was watching you grow up into the beautiful young lady, that I am left to merely speculate, that you surely have become. Great God in heaven, this whole thing, to me, is just completely overwhelming. I don't honestly know at this point that I will ever make it through it. I guess I'll just keep up the struggle, and try and rise above. That is definitely what I would tell you to do, so I'd probably better just learn to take some of my own good advice on this one.

I know what I need to do, at least, and that's a great start, it's just the factor of whether or not I will be strong enough and clear enough to pull this whole thing off successfully that causes all the stress. I guess we'll just have to see. Nothing to it but to do it, right? Right. Hmmm, what did I ever tell you about reducing stress? Let me know, 'cause I really need to start implementing that right now. In fact, I'll go to the library and check that out later, today. If I've ever truly needed some serious help in my entire lifetime, this would definitely be the prime time for it to come my way.

Pray for me dear, I'm going to do my best, and hopefully I will have Gods everloving hand to help guide me along my way. I must get going for now, Sky, but I will be finishing some of the posts that I have almost completed, but are unfortunately still backlogged :-( , and I'll post those to their appropriate time slots as I get them finished, which should be soon, I hope so, anyway. Until I post again, my love......... stay positive, and always show goodwill toward others Sky.

Always treat others the way that you would prefer to be treated, sweetheart, and you approach your day...remember to ALWAYS be conscious of the choices that you make, and make certain that you are conscious of doing what you know is the right thing for you to do. I so truly love you with all my heart, Sky, and I'll continue to pray for any sort of contact from you. I'll post again here soon babe, until then...Adieu ma fille, vous aurez mon coeur pour toujours. DIEU, J'AIME MON FILLE!! POUR TOUJOURS!!!

With All My Love And Forever,
Your Eternally Grateful Father