Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy 22nd My Beloved Daughter!!! I Sooo Miss You!!

Happy Birthday Skylar L'nea(!!!!) and I wish, more than anything, that I could tell you to your beautiful face, my love. I am finally, after a somewhat serious medical extension, finishing up my degree at U of I. Hopefully now it will be on to graduate school, and then to a means to finding you, and, at least, letting you know who your real father is.

I'm think I may start posting on here again, as it still is the only hope I currently have of communicating with you (and I'll NEVER give up on that). Maybe now, since you are an adult woman, you may even decide, someday, that you want to take a chance on meeting me, and getting to know who I really am. At least I hope that would be the case.

Anyway, for now, I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you on your B-day (non-stop actually), and frankly, I think about you every day Skye, and I always have, always. It absolutely kills my heart too, Skylar.

I love you, my dear, and hope that this day brings for you the positive and lifelong memories you deserve to have. I really miss you, Skylar. And it's the most predominant feeling and emotion I have had since the mid 1990's, when I lost you from my life. Please know that this is true, and I swear it on my very existence. I just thought it important for you to know that, Skylar.

You know, when I started out writing for you in this blog, I used to like to include quotes I felt might be important, or useful, to you. In that respect, I'll leave you with one today. This one is actually a sort of hopeful pleading, rather than an actual quote, Per Se, but it was originally penned by a very well-spoken gentleman named James A. Garfield (Who was also known as the 20th President of these good old United States). Garfield was writing to his wife back then, but I believe it speaks for me quite appropriately, in this case, also.

“I hope when you reflect upon the entirety of my life, and balance up the whole of my wayward self, you will still find, after the many proper and heavy deductions are made, a small balance left on which you can base some respect and affection.”

Someday, somehow, I hope that if/when you were to consider such matters for yourself, and I very much hope you someday will, that the same may be true for me, just as that ancient dead guy wished for way back then (In like 1880 or something). For now though, I just want to say, emphatically... Happy 22nd Birthday, Skye, and many, many more!!!. I hope to post again here soon (I don't even know if you've ever even seen this blog yet, sweetheart, but I hope so).  

Forever Grateful For You,
Your Forever Loving Father