Friday, March 27, 2009

Still Going, And Missing You Every Day

Hi sweetheart, I was just sitting in the University library and I was feeling completely inundated with stress and overwhelming amounts of class work, so I thought I would take a couple of minutes to seek out your blog page and I decided to make a short post. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you, Skylar, and that I love you so very very much. I know that you are getting closer to the age of independence, not that that's any exact age, but I wanted to reiterate to you that I am always open to any sort of contact from you and would give anything if that could only happen. I'm still fighting for my life out here, but that is no reason why I wouldn't be extremely exalted by any contact I could be afforded with you. I only pray that that could someday happen, and not a moment too soon could that moment be. I miss you, and I love you, and you are always very much completely welcomed and wanted in my presence at anytime so please know that to be the case. If you ever wonder who or where I am, just send me an email and let me know you're out there and that you're doing alright. I will go for now, but I hope to be able to begin posting from time to time as soon as I can get a computer set up and running.

I wish you only the best, as always, and may God bless you're every breath. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS. I realize you're getting all grown up these days, but it's still important to remember the things I always closed these posts with. Please be sure to treat people right, you know, how you would prefer to be treated, and, always make sure that you are conscious of the choices that you make and be mindful of making choices that reflect your ability to know what's right. I love you and I miss you, my darling lovely girl. Je t'aime chèrement mon beau Ciel. Vous êtes ma légèreté et mon espoir. God bless, and I hope to speak with you soon.

Your Forever Adoring Father